首页> 外文期刊>International journal of palliative nursing >Communicating with patients and their families about palliative and end-of-life care: Comfort and educational needs of nurses

Communicating with patients and their families about palliative and end-of-life care: Comfort and educational needs of nurses


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Introduction: Effectively discussing palliative care with patients and families requires knowledge and skill. The purpose of this study was to determine perceived needs of inpatient nurses for communicating with patients and families about palliative and end-of-life (EoL) care. Method: A non-experimental design was used. In total, 60 inpatient nurses from one hospital in Idaho completed the End of Life Professional Caregiver Survey (EPCS), which examines three domains: patient and family-centered communication, cultural and ethical values, and effective care delivery. Results: The number of years' experience nurses had (F(9,131.57)=2.22, p=0.0246; Wilk's ∧=0.709) and the unit they worked on (F(6,110)=2.49, p=0.0269; Wilk's ∧=0.775) had a significant effect on their comfort discussing EoL and palliative care with patients and their families. For all three domains, years of nursing experience was positively associated with comfort in communicating about EoL care. Oncology nurses were most comfortable with regard to patient and family-centered communication. Discussion: The success and sustainability of this service is dependent on education for health-care providers. Studies are needed to determine the most effective ways to meet this educational challenge.
机译:简介:与患者和家人有效讨论姑息治疗需要知识和技能。这项研究的目的是确定住院护士对于与患者及其家庭就姑息和临终(EoL)护理进行沟通的感知需求。方法:采用非实验设计。来自爱达荷州一家医院的60名住院护士完成了生命终止专业护理人员调查(EPCS),该调查调查了三个领域:以患者和家庭为中心的沟通,文化和道德价值观以及有效的护理提供。结果:护士的年工作经验数(F(9,131.57)= 2.22,p = 0.0246; Wilk∧= 0.709)和工作单位(F(6,110)= 2.49,p = 0.0269; Wilk∧= 0.775)对他们与患者及其家人讨论EoL和姑息治疗的舒适性产生了重大影响。在这三个领域中,多年的护理经验与在就EoL护理进行交流方面的舒适度成正比。肿瘤科护士对患者和以家庭为中心的交流最为舒适。讨论:这项服务的成功与可持续性取决于对医疗保健提供者的教育。需要进行研究以确定应对这一教育挑战的最有效方法。



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