首页> 外文期刊>International journal of occupational and environmental health : >Cytomegalovirus infection: an occupational hazard to kindergarten teachers working with children aged 2.5-6 years.

Cytomegalovirus infection: an occupational hazard to kindergarten teachers working with children aged 2.5-6 years.


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The aims of the study were to evaluate the occupational risk of cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection in kindergarten teachers working with children aged 2.5-6 years, and to determine occupational risk factors within the occupation of kindergarten teaching. A cross-sectional seroprevalence study was conducted in 211 kindergarten teachers and 283 administrative workers. Relevant confounding factors were considered. Overall seropositivity rates ranged from 16.4% in childless women to 33.7% in women with one child or more. Raising own children was the major risk factor for CMV seropositivity: adjusted OR 2.25. Kindergarten teaching showed to have a significantly increased CMV seropositivity rate: adjusted OR 1.54. Among kindergarten teachers, washing hands at school, number and age of the pupils, and seniority had no significant influence on seropositivity. The results indicated an increased risk of CMV infection in kindergarten teachers and an insufficiency of hygienic measures to prevent seropositivity.
机译:这项研究的目的是评估在2.5-6岁儿童工作的幼儿园教师中巨细胞病毒(CMV)感染的职业风险,并确定在幼儿园教学职业中的职业风险因素。在211名幼儿园教师和283名行政人员中进行了血清横断面研究。考虑了相关的混杂因素。总体血清阳性率范围从无子女的妇女的16.4%到有一个或更多子女的妇女的33.7%。养育自己的孩子是CMV血清反应阳性的主要危险因素:调整后的OR为2.25。幼儿园的教学显示CMV血清阳性率显着提高:调整为OR 1.54。在幼稚园教师中,学校洗手,学生的人数和年龄以及资历对血清阳性没有显着影响。结果表明,幼儿园教师CMV感染的风险增加,并且缺乏预防血清阳性的卫生措施。



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