首页> 外文期刊>International journal of legal medicine >Two-gun suicide by simultaneous shots to the head: interdisciplinary reconstruction on the basis of scene investigation, autopsy findings, GSR analysis and examination of firearms, bullets and cartridge cases.

Two-gun suicide by simultaneous shots to the head: interdisciplinary reconstruction on the basis of scene investigation, autopsy findings, GSR analysis and examination of firearms, bullets and cartridge cases.


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Suicidal shots fired simultaneously to the head from two handguns are rare. The authors report about a recent case in which a Smith & Wesson cal. 9 mm pistol and a Smith & Wesson cal. .357 Magnum revolver were used. Sitting on a sofa, a 33-year-old man (member of a shooting club) fired two simultaneous shots to the head; the pistol held in the left hand was discharged into the left temple, and the revolver held in the right hand was fired into the mouth. Both weapons remained in the respective hands. An upside-down muzzle imprint in the left temporal region and recoil injuries of a mandibular incisor, and the lower lip indicated that both the pistol and the revolver had been held in an inverted manner at the time of discharge. Blood stains (backspatter) and gunshot residues were present on both firing hands, whereas forward spatter originating from the exit wounds was deposited on the wall behind the suicide's head.
机译:很少有两把手枪同时向头部发射自杀性枪击。作者报告了有关Smith&Wesson cal的最新案例。 9毫米手枪和Smith&Wesson cal。使用了.357万能左轮手枪。 33岁的男子(射击俱乐部成员)坐在沙发上,同时向头部开了两枪。左手握着的手枪被排入左太阳穴,右手握住的左轮手枪被射入嘴中。两种武器均掌握在各自手中。左颞区有枪口朝上的烙印和下颌切牙的后坐力伤害,下唇表明出院时手枪和左轮手枪都被倒置。射击的两只手上都有血迹(后飞溅物)和枪击残留物,而源自出口伤口的前飞溅物沉积在自杀者头部后面的墙上。



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