首页> 外文期刊>British Journal of Radiology >Phentolamine re-dosing during penile dynamic colour Doppler ultrasound: a practical method to abolish a false diagnosis of venous leakage in patients with erectile dysfunction.

Phentolamine re-dosing during penile dynamic colour Doppler ultrasound: a practical method to abolish a false diagnosis of venous leakage in patients with erectile dysfunction.


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Increased sympathetic tone may cause an equivocal response to a prostaglandin E1 (PGE1) penile Doppler ultrasound (US) examination interpreted as a venous leak. We evaluated the US parameters and erectile response to the addition of phentolamine to a PGE1 penile Doppler US examination to ascertain whether addition of phentolamine would abolish a suboptimal response. 32 patients (median age 29 years, range 17-70 years) with either a previous Doppler US pattern of venous leakage or a clinical suspicion of venogenic impotence, underwent Doppler US after a total dose of 20 microg of PGE1. Peak systolic velocity (PSV), end diastolic velocity (EDV) and grade of erection were documented. If erectile response was suboptimal irrespective of the EDV measurement, 2 mg-intracavernosal phentolamine was administered and measurements repeated. Six patients had a normal erectile response, the remaining 26 received phentolamine. A significant increase in PSV between baseline and 20 microg PGE1 (p<0.001) was observed inall cases. Following phentolamine there was a significant increase in grade of erection (p=0.0001) and a significant reduction in the EDV (p=0.0001). A reduction of the EDV to below 0.0 cm s(-1) was observed in 16 patients. Four patients with EDV <5.0 cm s(-1) but >0.0 cm s(-1) had improved erectile response following phentolamine while six showed persistent EDV elevation >5 cm s(-1). No priapism was documented. It is essential to ensure cavernosal relaxation using phentolamine before a Doppler US diagnosis of venous leak is made. This two-stage assessment will allow this to be done efficiently and with a low risk of priapism.
机译:交感神经张力升高可能导致对前列腺素E1(PGE1)阴茎多普勒超声(US)检查的歧义反应,被解释为静脉渗漏。我们评估了US参数和对PGE1阴茎多普勒US检查添加酚妥拉明的勃起反应,以确定酚妥拉明的添加是否会消除次优反应。 32例患者(中位年龄29岁,范围17-70岁)既往有多普勒超声模式的静脉渗漏或临床怀疑有静脉无力,在总剂量为20微克PGE1后接受了多普勒超声检查。记录了最高收缩速度(PSV),舒张末期速度(EDV)和勃起等级。如果无论EDV测量值如何勃起反应都不理想,则给予2 mg鼻腔降钙素酚妥拉明并重复测量。 6名患者的勃起反应正常,其余26名接受酚妥拉明治疗。在所有情况下均观察到PSV在基线和20微克PGE1之间显着增加(p <0.001)。酚妥拉明治疗后,勃起等级显着增加(p = 0.0001),EDV显着降低(p = 0.0001)。在16例患者中观察到EDV降至0.0 cm s(-1)以下。 4例EDV <5.0 cm s(-1)但> 0.0 cm s(-1)的患者在酚妥拉明治疗后勃起反应有所改善,而6例患者EDV持续升高> 5 cm s(-1)。没有阴谋论的记载。在做出多普勒超声诊断静脉渗漏之前,必须使用酚妥拉明确保海绵体松弛。这项分两阶段的评估将使这一工作得以有效完成,并且具有较低的专一风险。



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