首页> 外文期刊>British journal of ophthalmology >Randomised controlled trial of preoperative information to improve satisfaction with cataract surgery.

Randomised controlled trial of preoperative information to improve satisfaction with cataract surgery.


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AIM: To investigate the effects of an informational video on patient expectations and satisfaction with day-stay cataract surgery. METHODS: 141 patients undergoing day-stay cataract surgery were randomised into one of two video groups, explaining either what to expect from the cataract surgery or the anatomy of cataract. Patients were surveyed as to their expectations for visual outcome, anxiety, risk, and discomfort resulting from the surgery. After the operation, patients were again asked to rate their experience of anxiety, discomfort, risk, comprehension, overall satisfaction, and comparison with expectations. RESULTS: 84% of patients already thought they received enough or too much information. The expectations video group expected more risk and discomfort than the anatomy video group. Yet, after the surgery, the expectations video group was significantly more satisfied, understood better what was happening to them, and felt less anxious. There was no difference in the discomfort or risk actually experienced, or the expected visual outcomes. Patients with previous cataract surgery experience expected less anxiety and discomfort, and found the surgery closer to their expectations. None the less, previous cataract surgery experience did not negate the effects of the video. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates that a simple, inexpensive videotape showing patients what to expect from cataract surgery results in significant increases in patient understanding of and satisfaction with the cataract surgery, as well as a decrease in anxiety. These effects were independent of patients' expected outcomes or previous experience with cataract surgery, and despite the fact that patients generally thought they had already received enough information.



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