首页> 外文期刊>International journal of digital Earth >Exploring natural and anthropogenic risk for cultural heritage in Cyprus using remote sensing and GIS

Exploring natural and anthropogenic risk for cultural heritage in Cyprus using remote sensing and GIS


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On site observation is the most common way of monitoring cultural heritage sites and monuments in Cyprus. However, this procedure that includes data collection, periodical observations, and multivariate risk assessment analysis is difficult to accomplish with the traditional practices and methods since it is time consuming and expensive. Furthermore, many archaeological sites and monuments are located at inaccessible areas, far away from the main road network and urban areas. Satellite remote sensing and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) can successfully confront this problem by providing the scientists with integrated monitoring of the study areas and the unique advantage to store and manipulate a large amount of spatial and attribute data simultaneously. Actually the monitoring and identification of several natural and anthropogenic hazards in the vicinity of the cultural heritage sites in Cyprus, seems to be one of the main priorities of its governmental and municipal authorities. This study aims to integrate both satellite remote sensing techniques and GIS in a multidisciplinary approach, for monitoring anthropogenic and natural hazards with the use of archived and up-to-date multitemporal remotely sensed images in the study area, namely in areas nearby cultural heritage sites and monuments in Cyprus. In this study anthropogenic hazards include urbanisation and extended land use changes in the surroundings of archaeological sites and natural hazards concern seismicity and sea erosion.



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