首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Control >On the computation and statistical properties of the MLE for the frequency response of NCFs

On the computation and statistical properties of the MLE for the frequency response of NCFs


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This paper deals with computations and statistical properties, as well as transfer function selections involved in frequency response estimation for normalized coprime factors (NCF). A simple expression and the probability density function (PDF) are derived for the maximum likelihood estimate (MLE). It is shown that the statistical characteristics of the MLE are independent of the auxiliary plant. Based on this observation, all the coprime factors of the auxiliary transfer function have been derived which lead to an almost unbiased estimate when the noise level is low. Moreover, an analytic expression has been established for the involved free transfer functions which minimize both the bias and the variance of the estimate. The theoretical conclusions have been verified through numerical simulations. [References: 11]
机译:本文涉及计算和统计特性,以及归一化互质因子(NCF)的频率响应估计中涉及的传递函数选择。得出最大似然估计(MLE)的简单表达式和概率密度函数(PDF)。结果表明,MLE的统计特性与辅助工厂无关。基于此观察结果,已导出了辅助传递函数的所有辅因数,当噪声水平较低时,这将导致几乎无偏的估计。此外,已经为所涉及的自由传递函数建立了解析表达式,该表达式使估计的偏差和方差最小化。理论结论已通过数值模拟得到了验证。 [参考:11]



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