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Decision support system for the mobile volcano fast response system


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A mobile volcano fast response system (VFRS) that can be used for volcano monitoring in case of volcanic unrest anywhere in the world is currently under development in Germany. The main goal of the project called Exupery is to provide the communication technology for stations in the field and an expert system that collects all data from various sources, assembles them in a database, and allows users to assess the data through one common web GIS interface. The system also includes an integrated automatic alert level including the alert level estimation in order to characterize the activity state of the volcano. The web GIS interface serves as a decision support system to assist scientists and local authorities in deciding how to react in the case of volcanic unrest.
机译:德国目前正在开发一种可移动的火山快速响应系统(VFRS),该系统可用于在世界任何地方发生火山骚动时进行火山监测。该项目的主要目标是为现场站提供通信技术,以及一个专家系统,该专家系统从各种来源收集所有数据,将它们组合到数据库中,并允许用户通过一个通用的Web GIS界面评估数据。该系统还包括一个集成的自动警报级别,其中包括警报级别估计值,以表征火山的活动状态。 Web GIS界面用作决策支持系统,可帮助科学家和地方当局决定在火山爆发时如何应对。



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