首页> 外文期刊>International journal of digital Earth >Horizontal accuracy assessment of very high resolution Google Earth images in the city of Rome, Italy

Horizontal accuracy assessment of very high resolution Google Earth images in the city of Rome, Italy

机译:意大利罗马市非常高分辨率的Google Earth图像的水平精度评估

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Google Earth (GE) has recently become the focus of increasing interest and popularity among available online virtual globes used in scientific research projects, due to the free and easily accessed satellite imagery provided with global coverage. Nevertheless, the uses of this service raises several research questions on the quality and uncertainty of spatial data (e.g. positional accuracy, precision, consistency), with implications for potential uses like data collection and validation. This paper aims to analyze the horizontal accuracy of very high resolution (VHR) GE images in the city of Rome (Italy) for the years 2007, 2011, and 2013. The evaluation was conducted by using both Global Positioning System ground truth data and cadastral photogrammetric vertex as independent check points. The validation process includes the comparison of histograms, graph plots, tests of normality, azimuthal direction errors, and the calculation of standard statistical parameters. The results show that GE VHR imageries of Rome have an overall positional accuracy close to 1 m, sufficient for deriving ground truth samples, measurements, and large-scale planimetric maps.
机译:由于提供了覆盖全球的免费且易于访问的卫星图像,最近Google Earth(GE)成为科学研究项目中可用的在线虚拟地球仪越来越引起人们的关注和流行的焦点。然而,这项服务的使用提出了一些有关空间数据的质量和不确定性(例如位置精度,精度,一致性)的研究问题,并对诸如数据收集和验证之类的潜在用途产生了影响。本文旨在分析2007年,2011年和2013年罗马(意大利)超高分辨率(VHR)GE图像的水平精度。该评估是使用全球定位系统地面真实数据和地籍数据进行的摄影测量顶点作为独立的检查点。验证过程包括直方图,图形图的比较,正态性测试,方位角方向误差以及标准统计参数的计算。结果表明,罗马的GE VHR图像的整体位置精度接近1 m,足以得出地面真实样本,测量值和大规模平面图。



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