首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Biometeorology: Journal of the International Society of Biometeorology >A two-concentric-loop iterative method in estimation of displacement height and roughness length for momentum and sensible heat.

A two-concentric-loop iterative method in estimation of displacement height and roughness length for momentum and sensible heat.


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A two-concentric-loop iterative (TCLI) method is proposed to estimate the displacement height and roughness length for momentum and sensible heat by using the measurements of wind speed and air temperature at two heights, sensible heat flux above the crop canopy, and the surface temperature of the canopy. This method is deduced theoretically from existing formulae and equations. The main advantage of this method is that data measured not only under near neutral conditions, but also under unstable and slightly stable conditions can be used to calculate the scaling parameters. Based on the data measured above an Acacia Saligna agroforestry system, the displacement height (d (0)) calculated by the TCLI method and by a conventional method are compared. Under strict neutral conditions, the two methods give almost the same results. Under unstable conditions, d (0) values calculated by the conventional method are systematically lower than those calculated by the TCLI method, with the latter exhibiting only slightly lower values than those seen under strictly neutral conditions. Computation of the average values of the scaling parameters for the agroforestry system showed that the displacement height and roughness length for momentum are 68% and 9.4% of the average height of the tree canopy, respectively, which are similar to percentages found in the literature. The calculated roughness length for sensible heat is 6.4% of the average height of the tree canopy, a little higher than the percentages documented in the literature. When wind direction was aligned within 5 degrees of the row direction of the trees, the average displacement height calculated was about 0.6 m lower than when the wind blew across the row direction. This difference was statistically significant at the 0.0005 probability level. This implies that when the wind blows parallel to the row direction, the logarithmic profile of wind speed is shifted lower to the ground, so that, at a given height, the wind speeds are faster than when the wind blows perpendicular to the row direction.
机译:提出了一种双同心环迭代(TCLI)方法,通过测量两个高度处的风速和空气温度,作物冠层上方的显热通量,以及动量和显热的位移高度和粗糙度长度来估算动量和显热的位移高度和粗糙度长度。顶篷的表面温度。该方法是从现有公式和方程式中理论推导出来的。这种方法的主要优点是,不仅可以在接近中性的条件下,而且可以在不稳定和稍微稳定的条件下测得的数据都可以用来计算缩放参数。根据在相思木农林业系统上方测量的数据,比较通过TCLI方法和常规方法计算的位移高度(d(0))。在严格的中性条件下,两种方法得出的结果几乎相同。在不稳定条件下,通过常规方法计算的d(0)值在系统上低于通过TCLI方法计算的d(0)值,后者仅比在严格中性条件下看到的值略低。农林业系统比例参数平均值的计算表明,动量的位移高度和粗糙度长度分别为树冠平均高度的68%和9.4%,与文献中的百分比相似。计算得出的显热粗糙度长度为树冠平均高度的6.4%,略高于文献中记录的百分比。当风向对准树木行进方向的5度以内时,所计算的平均位移高度比风吹过行进方向时低约0.6 m。在0.0005的概率水平上,此差异具有统计学意义。这意味着,当风平行于行方向吹动时,风速的对数曲线会向地面下方移动,因此,在给定的高度下,风速比垂直于行方向吹动时的风速快。



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