首页> 外文期刊>Insectes Sociaux: Bulletin de l'Union Internationale pour l'Etude des Insectes Sociaux >Worker reproductive parasitism in naturally orphaned colonies of the Asian red dwarf honey bee, Apis florea

Worker reproductive parasitism in naturally orphaned colonies of the Asian red dwarf honey bee, Apis florea

机译:亚洲红矮蜂蜜蜂Apis florea的自然孤儿殖民地的工人生殖寄生

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The truce between honey bee (Apis spp.) workers over reproduction is broken in the absence of their queen. Queenright workers generally abstain from personal reproduction, raising only the queen's offspring. Queenless workers activate their ovaries, produce eggs, and reduce the rate at which they destroy worker-laid eggs, so that some eggs are reared to maturity. Reduced policing of worker-laid eggs renders queenless nests vulnerable to worker reproductive parasitism (WRP), and may result in the colony raising eggs of unrelated (non-natal) workers that parasitize it. Queenless colonies of A. florea are heavily parasitized with the eggs of non-natal workers. However, queenless colonies often abscond upon disturbance and build a small comb in which to rear their own male offspring. We investigated three naturally occurring orphaned colonies to determine if they are also parasitized. We show that WRP is present in orphaned colonies, and non-natal workers have significantly higher rates of ovary activation than natal workers. In contrast to experimentally manipulated colonies, in our samples, natal and non-natal workers had statistically equal reproductive success, but this may have been due to the small number of non-natals present.
机译:在没有女王的情况下,蜜蜂(Apis spp。)工人之间因繁殖而休战的情况被打破。皇后权工人通常不进行个人繁殖,只抚养皇后的后代。无皇后的工人激活卵巢,产卵,并降低其破坏工人产卵的速度,从而使某些卵得以成熟。减少工人产卵的治安管理使无女王的巢容易受到工人生殖寄生(WRP)的侵害,并可能导致殖民地养育无关的(非出生)工人卵。弗洛瑞氏菌的无皇后菌落被未成年工人的卵严重寄生。但是,无女王的殖民地经常潜逃,并筑起一个小的梳子来饲养自己的雄性后代。我们调查了三个自然发生的孤立菌落,以确定它们是否也被寄生了。我们表明,WRP存在于孤立的殖民地中,非新生儿工人的卵巢活化率明显高于新生儿工人。与实验操作的菌落相反,在我们的样本中,出生和未出生的工人在统计学上均具有相同的繁殖成功率,但这可能是由于存在的未出生的人很少。



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