首页> 外文期刊>Annals of surgical oncology >The promises and potential pitfalls of organ preservation for locally advanced rectal cancer. Surgical Oncology

The promises and potential pitfalls of organ preservation for locally advanced rectal cancer. Surgical Oncology


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Two steps ahead, you are a leader; 10 steps ahead, you are a target. I wonder which Norm Nigro felt like when he first argued that abdominoperineal resection should be used only as a salvage operation for anal cancer > 30 years ago. Because of his efforts, organ preservation became the standard for anal cancer without a randomized trial. What is different about rectal cancer? Several things. Most importantly, the intrinsic radiosensitivity is dramatically different. Durable complete responses to chemoradiation combinations for anal cancer vary from 60% to 90%, depending on patient selection, the radiation dose, and possibly the chemotherapeutic agents that are used,2'3 compared with pathologic complete response rates that usually range from 10% to 20% with neo-adjuvant chemoradiation in rectal tumors. Second, differences in anatomical location and tumor biology contribute to higher salvage rates for recurrent anal cancer than for rectal cancer. Anal cancer recurrences produce symptoms (tumor mass, analcanal pain, or bleeding) early and are accessible for physical examination, resulting in detection most often when they are localized and resectable. In contrast, recurrent rectal cancer is a devastating problem with frequent infiltration of the sacrum, low resectability, low 5-year overall survival rates, and significant morbidity even when resected. Biologically, anal cancers also tend to remain locoregionally confined much longer than rectal cancers. The greater tendency of rectal tumors to metastasize makes giving them a second chance to do so undesirable. Therefore, the intrinsic radiosensitivity, resectability rates, and propensity for distant metastasis distinguish anal and rectal cancers.
机译:向前两步,您就是领导者;前进10个步骤,您就是目标。我想知道Norm Nigro最初提出腹部手术切除应该仅用作30年前肛门癌的抢救手术时的感觉是什么。由于他的努力,器官保存已成为无随机试验的肛门癌的标准。直肠癌有什么不同?几件事。最重要的是,固有放射敏感性有很大不同。对肛门癌化学放疗组合的持久完全反应范围从60%到90%不等,具体取决于患者选择,放射剂量以及可能使用的化学治疗剂2'3,而病理学完全缓解率通常为10%直肠肿瘤中有20%的患者接受新辅助化学放疗。第二,解剖位置和肿瘤生物学的差异导致复发性肛门癌的挽救率高于直肠癌。肛门癌复发较早产生症状(肿块,肛门肛门疼痛或出血),并且可以进行身体检查,因此在定位并切除后最常被发现。相反,复发性直肠癌是一个毁灭性的问题,problem骨频繁浸润,可切除性差,5年总生存率低,即使切除也有明显的发病率。从生物学上讲,与直肠癌相比,肛门癌在局部区域的停留时间也更长。直肠肿瘤转移的可能性更大,这给了他们第二次这样做的机会。因此,固有的放射敏感性,可切除率和远处转移的倾向区分了肛门癌和直肠癌。



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