首页> 外文期刊>Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology >Physiological control of pheromone production in Choristoneura fumiferana and C. rosaceana

Physiological control of pheromone production in Choristoneura fumiferana and C. rosaceana


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The diel periodicity of calling behaviour and pheromone production are synchronous in virgin females of both Choristoneura fumiferana and C. rosaceana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Newly emerged females decapitated prior to scotophase produced no or very little pheromone 24 h later. However, injection of PBAN or Br-SEG homogenates, obtained from donors of the same or the other species, stimulated pheromone production to normal levels. Transection of the ventral nerve cord (VNC) or extirpation of theterminal abdominal ganglion (TAG) did not affect pheromone production in control females. Similarly, injections of PBAN or Br-SEG homogenates into decapitated females reactivated pheromone production to normal levels, whether or not the VNC was intact orthe TAG present. Furthermore, octopamine was not effective in stimulating pheromone production in decapitated females. Taken together, these results indicate that the regulation of pheromone production is not neurally mediated in either Choristoneura species. However, there was no evidence that haemolymph collected from pheromone-producing females contained pheromonotropic activity. Similarly, isolated glands incubated with PBAN did not produce pheromone. The presence of the bursa copulatrix was required to produce pheromone in both tortricids as production was not restored in decapitated bursa-less females injected with PBAN or a Br-SEG homogenate. However, an extract of the bursa copulatrix did not elicit pheromonotropic activity in decapitated females or incubated glands of either species. The bursa copulatrix is only involved in pheromone production of some species of tortricids but the results do not support the current explanation for such interspecific differences. It is postulated that the relative importance of a bursa factor may be related to the evolution of different desaturation systems used for pheromome biosynthesis in the Tortricidae.
机译:在Chorstoneura fumiferana和C. rosaceana(鳞翅目:Tortricidae)的原始雌性中,呼叫行为和信息素产生的diel周期是同步的。在禁食期之前被斩首的新出现雌性在24小时后没有产生或只产生很少的信息素。然而,从相同或其他物种的供体获得的PBAN或Br-SEG匀浆的注射将信息素的产生刺激到正常水平。横断腹神经索(VNC)或切除末端腹神经节(TAG)均不影响对照女性的信息素产生。类似地,将PBAN或Br-SEG匀浆注射入断头的雌性,可将信息素的产生重新激活至正常水平,无论VNC是否完整或是否存在TAG。此外,章鱼胺不能有效地刺激断头女性的信息素产生。综上所述,这些结果表明在任何一种Choristoneura物种中,信息素产生的调节都不是神经介导的。但是,没有证据表明从生产费洛蒙的雌性中收集到的血淋巴具有单向性活性。同样,与PBAN一起孵育的分离腺也不会产生信息素。因为在注射了PBAN或Br-SEG匀浆的无头颅的无头颅雌性动物中不能恢复生产,所以必须在两个龙须类动物中都产生足囊法氏囊。但是,法氏囊提取物在两种动物的断头雌性或温育腺体中均未引起趋向单性活动。法氏囊仅与某些类tric科动物的信息素产生有关,但结果不支持目前对这种种间差异的解释。据推测,法氏囊因子的相对重要性可能与用于tric科的信息素生物合成的不同去饱和系统的进化有关。



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