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Effects of Nitrogen, Growth Regulators, andMowing Height on Ball Lie in TifSportBermudagrass


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Two separate field studies were conducted to determine the effects of mowingheight, nitrogen rates, and plant growth regulator use on golf ball lie in ‘TifSport’hybrid bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon × C. transvalensis). The first experimentwas conducted at the University of Georgia, Coastal Plain Experiment Stations,Tifton, GA. Factors at the Tifton location were nitrogen application rate (0.5, 1.0,and 1.5 lbs per 1,000 ft~2 per month) applied with and without trinexapac-ethyl(TE) or TE plus flurprimidol, and mowing height (0.5, 1.0, and 1.5 inches). Thesecond project was conducted at the University of Arkansas Agricultural Researchand Extension Center, Fayetteville, AR. Factors at the Fayetteville locationincluded nitrogen application rate and mowing height (utilizing the rates andheights described above), as well as TE application frequency (monthly, everyother week, and a control). Results from these two studies suggest that a 0.5-inchmowing height will improve ball lie in TifSport bermudagrass. The Georgiaresearch determined that 1.0 lb of N per 1,000 ft~2 per month in combination withTE will improve ball lie, while maintaining acceptable TifSport quality. On one datacollection date, the Arkansas research observed improved ball lie values when TEwas applied every other week or monthly to TifSport bermudagrass maintained ata 1.5-inch mowing height.
机译:进行了两个单独的田间研究,以确定割草高度,氮含量和植物生长调节剂的使用对'TifSport'杂交百慕大草(Cynodon dactylon×C. transvalensis)高尔夫球躺在草地上的影响。第一次实验是在佐治亚大学蒂夫顿市沿海平原实验站进行的。在Tifton位置的因素是施与不加抗倒酯(TE)或TE加上氟草定醇的施氮量(0.5、1.0和1.5磅每1000 ft〜2每月),割草高度(0.5、1.0和1.5)英寸)。第二个项目是在阿肯色大学费耶特维尔市农业研究与推广中心进行的。费耶特维尔地区的因素包括施氮量和割草高度(利用上述比率和高度)以及TE施用频率(每月,隔周和对照)。这两项研究的结果表明,割草高度为0.5英寸时,将改善TifSport百慕大草的球躺在地上。乔治亚研究确定,与TE结合使用时,每1000 ft〜2每月可吸收1.0磅氮,可改善球的击球率,同时保持可接受的TifSport质量。在一个数据收集日期,阿肯色州的研究观察到,每隔两周或每月一次将TE施用到TifSport百慕大草上,保持1.5英寸的割草高度,则可改善球的谎言值。



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