首页> 外文期刊>Applied turfgrass science >Annual Bluegrass Control in Overseeded Golf Course Fairways when Mitosis-Inhibiting Herbicides are Not Effective

Annual Bluegrass Control in Overseeded Golf Course Fairways when Mitosis-Inhibiting Herbicides are Not Effective


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Annual bluegrass is a problematic weed in highly maintained turfgrasses, especially when overseeding with cool-season species. Two studies were conducted on bermudagrass fairways overseeded with perennial ryegrass in South Carolina to evaluate pre- and postemergence control options for annual bluegrass when mitosis-inhibiting (MI) herbicides were no longer effective. Prodiamine at 0.84 kg ai/ha applied 60 days before overseeding (DBO) and dithiopyr at 0.56 kg ai/ha applied 45 DBO and 90 days after overseeding (DAO) provided less than 33% annual bluegrass control regardless of study or year. Greater than 90% annual bluegrass control and 80% turf density were achieved with ethofumesate at 1.1 kg ai/ha 30 and 50 DAO and ethofumesate at 1.1 kg ai/ha 30DAO followed by bispyribac-sodium at 0.074 kg ai/ha 120 DAO. All treatments containing ethofumesate at 1.1 kg ai/ha 30 DAO provided greater than 85% annual bluegrass control regardless of year. Greater than 70% annual bluegrass control and 80% turf density was achieved with foramsulfuron at 0.028 kg ai/ha and rimsulfuron at 0.018 kg ai/ha both applied 7 DBO. Oxadiazon at 2.2 kg ai/ha 60 DBO provided 69% annual bluegrass control. This research indicates that other herbicide regimes will provide acceptable annual bluegrass control and perennial ryegrass density when MI herbicides lose their effectiveness on overseeded golf course fairways.
机译:一年生禾草是在高度维持的草坪草中的一个有问题的杂草,尤其是在凉季物种过度播种时。在南卡罗来纳州多年生黑麦草覆盖的百慕大草球道上进行了两项研究,以评估当有丝分裂抑制(MI)除草剂不再有效时,一年生草的芽前和芽后控制方案。在播种前60天(DBO)施用0.84 kg ai / ha的丙二胺,在播种后90天(DAO)施用45 DBO的0.56 kg ai / ha的二硫杂吡啶,无论研究或年份如何,每年的草丛控制量不到33%。蓝藻草的1.1 kg ai / ha 30和50 DAO的草酸铵和蓝藻草素的1.1 kg ai / ha 30DAO的草铵镁,然后是0.074 kg ai / ha 120 DAO的双嘧菌酸钠,可实现超过90%的年度蓝草控制和80%的草皮密度。所有含有乙草胺磷含量为1.1 kg ai / ha 30 DAO的处理,无论年份如何,都可提供超过85%的年度蓝草控制。分别使用7 DBO的0.028 kg ai / ha的甲磺隆和0.018 kg ai / ha的嘧磺隆,可实现超过70%的年度蓝草控制和80%的草皮密度。草酸重氮(Oxadiazon)2.2千克ai / ha 60 DBO可提供每年69%的蓝草控制。这项研究表明,当MI除草剂在过高的高尔夫球场球道上失去效力时,其他除草剂制度将提供可接受的年度蓝草控制和多年生黑麦草密度。



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