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Salinity Tolerance of Cool-Season Turfgrass Cultivars Under Field Conditions


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In order to utilize effluent or wastewater as irrigation on turfgrass sites it will require the identification of cool-season turfgrass cultivars with increased salinity tolerance. Evaluation of current cultivars and experimental selections for salinity tolerance is an important first step in making information available to turfgrass managers. An overhead irrigated field screening method was developed to closely mimic the challenges associated with irrigation of turf with saline water under summer stress conditions. A total 48 clones from each turfgrass cultivar were planted in a randomized complete block design with four replications (12 clones per replication) and were irrigated overhead with saltwater (EC = 10 dS/m). This technique effectively identified differences in salinity tolerance, of Kentucky bluegrass, bentgrass, and perennial ryegrass cultivars and selections as measured by percent green ratings. The most salt tolerant cultivars included: Liberator, Eagleton, Diva, and Rhythm Kentuckybluegrasses; Declaration, Kingpin, and 007 creeping bentgrasses; and RKS, Gator 3, and MSH Comp perennial ryegrasses. Cultivars and selections exhibiting the least salinity tolerance were: RSP, A03-TB676, A03-84, and Julia Kentucky bluegrasses; EBM Compand Tiger II colonial bentgrasses; SR7200 velvet bentgrass; and Fiesta III perennial ryegrass.
机译:为了利用草坪草场上的废水或废水进行灌溉,将需要确定耐盐度更高的凉季草坪草栽培品种。评估当前品种和耐盐性的实验选择是向草皮管理者提供信息的重要的第一步。开发了一种架空灌溉田间筛选方法,以紧密模拟在夏季胁迫条件下用盐水灌溉草皮带来的挑战。来自每个草皮栽培品种的总共48个克隆以随机完全区组设计进行种植,重复四次重复(每个重复12个克隆),并用盐水在头顶灌溉(EC = 10 dS / m)。该技术有效地鉴定了肯塔基州早熟禾,本草和多年生黑麦草栽培品种和选择的耐盐性差异,以绿色等级百分数衡量。最耐盐的品种包括:Liberator,Eagleton,Diva和Rhythm Kentuckybluegrasses。宣言,主销和007 bent草;和RKS,Gator 3和MSH Comp多年生黑麦草。盐度耐受性最低的品种和选择为:RSP,A03-TB676,A03-84和朱莉娅·肯塔基蓝草; EBM Compand Tiger II殖民地草丛; SR7200天鹅绒草和嘉年华III多年生黑麦草。



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