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Identifying the Culprit: An International Perspective on the National Academy of Sciences Report on Eyewitness Identification Evidence


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The recent National Research Council report on eyewitness identification evidence includes fifteen recommendations intended to improve the procedures used to obtain eyewitness identification evidence, strengthen its value in court, and improve the scientific basis of research. The report includes some important insights on the applied research and makes some novels proposals, which are critically reviewed. It is argued that the report is limited by a lack of international comparison and by its focus exclusively on lineups rather than a wider range of methods available to identify perpetrators from their face. Copyright (c) 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
机译:美国国家研究委员会(National Research Council)最近关于目击者识别证据的报告包括15条建议,旨在改善用于获取目击者识别证据的程序,增强其在法庭上的价值,并改善研究的科学基础。该报告包括对应用研究的一些重要见解,并提出了一些小说建议,并对其进行了严格审查。有人认为,该报告的局限性在于缺乏国际比较性,并且仅侧重于阵容,而不是从面孔上识别肇事者的广泛方法。版权所有(c)2015 John Wiley&Sons,Ltd.



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