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Consumer understanding, interpretation and perceived levels of personal responsibility in relation to satiety-related claims


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The aim of this study was to explore (a) whether and how consumers may (over-) interpret satiety claims, and (b) whether and to what extent consumers recognize that personal efforts are required to realize possible satiety-related or weight loss benefits. Following means-end chain theory, we explored for a number of satiety claims the extent of inference-making to higher-level benefits than actually stated in the claim, using internet-based questions and tasks. Respondents (N=1504) in U.K., France, Italy and Germany participated in the study. The majority of these respondents correctly interpret satiety-related claims; i.e. they largely limit their interpretation to what was actually stated. They do not expect a "magic bullet" effect, but understand that personal efforts are required to translate product attributes into potential weight control benefits. Less-restrained eaters were at lower risk for over-interpreting satiety-related claims, whilst respondents with a stronger belief that their weight is something that they can control accept more personal responsibility, and better understand that personal efforts are required to be effective in weight control. Overall, these results indicate there is likely to be a relatively low level of consumer misinterpretation of satiety-related claims on food products.
机译:这项研究的目的是探索(a)消费者是否以及如何(过度)解释饱腹感,以及(b)消费者是否以及在多大程度上认识到需要个人努力才能实现与饱腹感相关的减肥效果。遵循均值-末端链理论,我们使用基于Internet的问题和任务,对许多饱足感索赔进行了探索,以使推理的程度达到比索赔中实际陈述更高的水平。英国,法国,意大利和德国的受访者(N = 1504)参与了这项研究。这些受访者中的大多数正确地解释了与饱腹感相关的主张;即,他们在很大程度上将解释限于实际陈述的内容。他们并不期望“魔术子弹”效果,但是他们了解需要做出个人努力才能将产品属性转化为潜在的体重控制益处。饮食习惯较少的人对饱腹感相关主张的过度解释风险较低,而更坚信自己体重可以控制的受访者则承担了更多的个人责任,并且更好地了解到需要有效的个人努力才能减轻体重控制。总体而言,这些结果表明,消费者对食品的饱腹感相关主张的误解可能相对较低。



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