首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Sports Medicine >Range of joint movement in female dancers and nondancers aged 8 to 16 years: anatomical and clinical implications.

Range of joint movement in female dancers and nondancers aged 8 to 16 years: anatomical and clinical implications.


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BACKGROUND: Little data are available on changes that occur with age in joint range of motion in dancers and nondancers. HYPOTHESIS: In dancers, joint range of motion will increase with age, whereas it will decrease in nondancers, independent of the joint studied. STUDY DESIGN: Cross-sectional study; Level of evidence, 3. METHODS: The study population included 1320 female dancers, aged 8 to 16 years, who participated in different types of dancing classes (classical ballet, modern dance, jazz, etc) and 226 nondancers of similar age. Range of motion was measured for the hip, knee, ankle, foot, and spinal joints. RESULTS: The pattern of differences in range of motion with age varied in different joints and types of movement. (1) For combined ankle and foot plantar flexion (pointe), ankle plantar flexion, and hip external rotation, there was no change in range of motion in dancers, whereas range of motion diminished with age in the nondancers. (2) For ankle dorsiflexion, neither group showed any change with age, and range of motion was significantly greater in the nondancer group. (3) For knee flexion, hip flexion, and hip internal rotation, range of motion decreased with age in both groups. (4) For hip abduction, range of motion decreased with age in dancers and remained constant in the nondancers. (5) For hip extension, range of motion increased in both groups. (6) For lower back and hamstrings, range of motion increased among dancers with age and remained constant among nondancers. CONCLUSION: Dancers and teachers should realize that passive joint range of motion is unlikely to improve with age. Therefore, the major goal of a dancing program should focus on exercises that retain the natural flexibility of the dancers' joints rather than trying to improve them.
机译:背景:关于舞蹈者和非舞蹈者在关节活动范围中随着年龄的变化而发生的变化的数据很少。假设:在舞蹈演员中,关节的活动范围会随着年龄的增长而增加,而在非舞蹈演员中,关节的活动范围会减小,与所研究的关节无关。研究设计:横断面研究;证据等级,3。方法:研究人群包括1320名年龄在8至16岁之间的舞者,他们参加了不同类型的舞蹈课(古典芭蕾舞,现代舞,爵士乐等)和226位类似年龄的非舞蹈演员。测量髋,膝,踝,足和脊椎关节的运动范围。结果:随着年龄的增长,不同关节和运动类型的活动范围差异也有所不同。 (1)对于踝足联合弯曲(足尖),踝足弯曲和髋关节外旋,舞者的运动范围没有变化,而非舞蹈演员的运动范围随着年龄的增长而减小。 (2)对于踝背屈,两组均未显示随年龄的变化,非舞者组的活动范围明显更大。 (3)对于膝关节屈曲,髋关节屈曲和髋关节内旋,两组的运动范围均随着年龄的增长而降低。 (4)对于髋关节外展,舞者的运动范围随年龄的增长而减小,非舞者的运动范围保持不变。 (5)髋关节伸展运动两组均增加。 (6)对于下背部和腿筋,随着年龄的增长,舞者的运动范围增加,而非舞者的运动范围保持不变。结论舞蹈者和老师应该意识到,随着年龄的增长,被动关节活动范围不可能改善。因此,舞蹈计划的主要目标应该集中在保持舞者关节自然柔韧性的练习上,而不是试图改善它们。



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