首页> 外文期刊>Annals of the Entomological Society of America >New Records of Termite Hosts for Two Species of Hoplopyga, With Notes on the Life Cycle of Hoplopyga brasiliensis (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae)

New Records of Termite Hosts for Two Species of Hoplopyga, With Notes on the Life Cycle of Hoplopyga brasiliensis (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae)


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We provide the first report of larvae of Hoplopyga brasiliensis (Gory and Percheron) and H. singuhris (Gory and Percheron) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae) in nests of Cornitermes cumulans (Kollar) (Isoptera: Termitidae: Syntermitinae) and Dwersitermes diversimiles (Silvestri) (Isoptera: Termitidae: Nasutitermitinae), respectively. We also provide new information on the life cycle of H. brasiliensis and the feeding behavior of adults of H. singularis. In total, 44 larvae of H. brasiliensis were found in a single nest of C. cumulans in apastureland in Coimbra, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Larvae of H. singularis were found under nests of D. diversimites at two urban parks in the state of Parana, Brazil. ≈15 larvae of H. singulis in different stages of development and some opened pupal cells were found in some nests of D. diversimiles. We increase the number of known termitophilous Hoplopyga species to three and discuss such relationships in light of published data and new information provided here.
机译:我们提供了在角鼻白蚁(Kollar)(等翅目:白蚁:白蚁:Syntermitinae)和白头翁的巢中的巴西霍普球虫(Gory和Percheron)和H. singuhris(Gory和Percheron)(鞘翅目:Scarabaeidae:Cetoniinae)的幼虫的首次报道。 Silvestri)(等翅目:Termidaidae:Nasutitermitinae)。我们还提供了关于巴西布鲁氏菌的生命周期和奇异氏菌成虫的摄食行为的新信息。在巴西米纳斯吉拉斯州科英布拉州的牧草地中,总共发现了44个巴西布鲁氏菌幼虫。在巴西帕拉纳州的两个城市公园的奇异果蝇巢下发现了奇异H.的幼虫。在不同的D. diversimiles巢中发现了大约15个不同发育阶段的S. s。s。singulis幼虫和一些开放的opened细胞。我们将已知的嗜热Hoplopyga种类增加到三个,并根据此处公开的数据和新信息讨论这种关系。



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