首页> 外文期刊>Behavioural Brain Research: An International Journal >Trpc2-deficient lactating mice exhibit altered brain and behavioral responses to bedding stimuli.

Trpc2-deficient lactating mice exhibit altered brain and behavioral responses to bedding stimuli.


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The trpc2 gene encodes an ion channel involved in pheromonal detection and is found in the vomeronasal organ. In tprc2(-/-) knockout (KO) mice, maternal aggression (offspring protection) is impaired and brain Fos expression in females in response to a male are reduced. Here we examine in lactating wild-type (WT) and KO mice behavioral and brain responses to different olfactory/pheromonal cues. Consistent with previous studies, KO dams exhibited decreased maternal aggression and nest building, but we also identified deficits in nighttime nursing and increases in pup weight. When exposed to the bedding tests, WT dams typically ignored clean bedding, but buried male-soiled bedding from unfamiliar males. In contrast, KO dams buried both clean and soiled bedding. Differences in brain Fos expression were found between WT and KO mice in response to either no bedding, clean bedding, or soiled bedding. In the accessory olfactory bulb, a site of pheromonal signal processing, KO mice showed suppressed Fos activation in the anterior mitral layer relative to WT mice in response to clean and soiled bedding. However, in the medial and basolateral amygdala, KO mice showed a robust Fos response to bedding, suggesting that regions of the amygdala canonically associated with pheromonal sensing can be active in the brains of KO mice, despite compromised signaling from the vomeronasal organ. Together, these results provide further insights into the complex ways by which pheromonal signaling regulates the brain and behavior of the maternal female.
机译:trpc2基因编码离子通道参与信息素检测,并存在于犁鼻器器官中。在tprc2(-/-)基因敲除(KO)小鼠中,母体攻击(后代保护)受损,雌性对雄性的反应中的脑Fos表达降低。在这里,我们研究了在哺乳期的野生型(WT)和KO小鼠中行为和大脑对不同嗅觉/信息素提示的反应。与以前的研究一致,KO水坝显示出降低的母亲侵略性和筑巢能力,但我们还发现夜间护理不足和幼犬体重增加。 WT坝在进行层理测试时通常会忽略干净的层理,而是将陌生的雄性埋入的雄性土壤层埋入地下。相比之下,KO大坝既埋没了干净又脏的垫层。 WT和KO小鼠之间的脑Fos表达差异被发现,这是由于它们没有被褥,干净被褥或被弄脏的被褥所致。在附属嗅球中,它是信息素信号处理的一个部位,相对于野生型小鼠,KO小鼠对干净和脏污的被褥表现出相对于野生型小鼠抑制了Fos激活。但是,在内侧和基底外侧杏仁核中,KO小鼠对床上用品表现出强烈的Fos响应,这表明尽管来自犁鼻鼻器官的信号受损,但与小鼠信息素相关的杏仁核区域仍可以在KO小鼠的大脑中活跃。在一起,这些结果为信息素信号调节孕妇女性的大脑和行为的复杂方式提供了进一步的见解。



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