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Quantitation of thiol metabolites from mammalian cells using fluorous tagging and HILIC-MS


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Oxidative stress diminishes reduced thiols by decreasing their production or by forming disulfide bonds. This instigates an equilibrium shift in further downstream metabolic pathways. The goal of this work is to develop a rapid and selective fluorous labeling strategy for improved sensitivity in LC-MS analysis of reduced thiols in biological samples. Fluorous tagging is used to augment the MS signal and has limited stationary phase interactions. Thiol standards were reacted with a fluorous maleimide at a ratio of 100 : 1 in an 80% acetonitrile buffer containing 5 mM ammonium formate at pH 8. The reaction time and temperature were optimized. The mixture of thiol metabolites was then separated using a cyano HILIC column with a linear gradient from 90% to 70% acetonitrile. Signal intensity from fluorous-tagged thiols was improved over the untagged thiols by at least four fold. This demonstrates a quick method that can be used to compare levels of reduced thiols in diabetic and normal mammalian endothelial cells. Human tissue was also analyzed using this tagging method. This method will further elucidate the impact of oxidative stress on thiol metabolism and therefore help identify therapeutic targets for the treatment of diabetic complications.
机译:氧化应激通过减少硫醇的产生或形成二硫键来减少还原的硫醇。这促使进一步的下游代谢途径发生平衡转移。这项工作的目的是开发一种快速和选择性的荧光标记策略,以提高LC-MS分析生物样品中还原硫醇的灵敏度。荧光标记用于增强MS信号,并具有有限的固定相相互作用。硫醇标准品与氟马来酰亚胺以100:1的比例在pH为8的含有5 mM甲酸铵的80%乙腈缓冲液中反应。优化了反应时间和温度。然后使用氰基HILIC色谱柱分离乙硫醇代谢产物的混合物,乙腈的线性梯度为90%至70%。来自氟标记硫醇的信号强度比未标记硫醇提高了至少四倍。这证明了一种可用于比较糖尿病和正常哺乳动物内皮细胞中还原硫醇水平的快速方法。还使用这种标记方法分析了人体组织。该方法将进一步阐明氧化应激对硫醇代谢的影响,因此有助于确定治疗糖尿病并发症的治疗靶标。



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