首页> 外文期刊>Annals of Biology >Influence of soil applied sulfur and boron on yield and quality parameters of soybean.

Influence of soil applied sulfur and boron on yield and quality parameters of soybean.


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A greenhouse experiment was conducted in north-west India to study the influence of sulfur and boron addition to soybean in sulfur and boron deficient soil on yield and its quality parameters at different growth stages (55 days and maturity). The treatments included four levels each of soil applied sulfur viz., 0, 6.5, 13.4, 20.1 mg S/kg and boron viz., 0, 0.22, 0.44, 0.88 mg/kg at the time of sowing. The highest dry matter yield at 55 days after sowing (DAS) (19.3 g/pot) and maturity (straw yield -25.2 g/pot and grain yield -7.3 g/pot) was recorded with B0.44S13.4 treatment. The combined application of sulfur and boron yielded highest oil content with B0.44S13.4 (21.7%) application. Chlorophyll 'a' and 'b' increased significantly with successive levels of sulfur addition at 55 DAS.
机译:在印度西北部进行了一个温室实验,研究了硫和硼缺乏土壤中大豆中添加的硫和硼对大豆在不同生长阶段(55天和成熟期)的产量及其品质参数的影响。处理包括在播种时土壤施硫量分别为0、6.5、13.4、20.1 mg S / kg和硼分别为0、0.22、0.44、0.88 mg / kg的四个水平。 B 0.44 记录了播种后55天的最高干物质产量(DAS)(19.3 g /盆)和成熟度(秸秆产量-25.2 g /盆和谷物产量-7.3 g /盆)。 S 13.4 处理。硫和硼的联合施用产生最高的含油量,施用B 0.44 S 13.4 (21.7%)。在55 DAS下,随着硫的连续添加,叶绿素'a'和'b'显着增加。



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