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Mechanisms involved in biocontrol by microbiai inoculants


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Biological control offers alternative environmentally friendly strategies for the control of phytopathogens fn agriculture and horticulture. Biocontrol metabolites are designed so that they do not have any adverse effects on host plants or on indigenous microflora and, in addition, resistance to these metabolites does not appear to develop. As promising alternatives to chemical pesticides, some biocontrol agents have been found to produce a variety of antrfun-gal secondary metabolites and lytic enzymes. The 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol is a secondary metabolite produced by Pseudomonas fluorescens F113, a strain capable of protecting sugar beet against the causal agent of 'damping off, Pythium ultimum; environmental and genetic factors involved in 2,4-diacetylphforoglucinol production are discussed. Stenotrophomonas maltophilia strain W81(P) produces chitinase and protease enzymes and is capable of conferring plant protection against the disease-causing activity of Pythium ultimum in vitro; transposonmutagenesis and subsequent in vivo assays have demonstrated that the biocontrol ability of W81 (P) is mediated by lytic enzyme production.
机译:生物防治为农业和园艺业控制植物病原体提供了替代性的环境友好策略。生物防治代谢物的设计应使其对寄主植物或本地微生物区系无任何不利影响,此外,似乎不会产生对这些代谢物的抗性。作为化学农药的有前途的替代品,已发现一些生物防治剂可产生多种antrfun-gal次生代谢产物和裂解酶。 2,4-二乙酰基间苯三酚是荧光假单胞菌F113产生的次级代谢产物,该菌株能够保护甜菜免受“抑制”终生腐霉的致病因子的侵害。讨论了涉及2,4-二乙酰基间苯三酚生产的环境和遗传因素。嗜麦芽窄食单胞菌菌株W81(P)产生几丁质酶和蛋白酶,能够赋予植物保护作用,使其在体外对终疫腐霉具有致病活性。转座子诱变和随后的体内试验表明,W81(P)的生物控制能力是由裂解酶产生介导的。



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