首页> 外文期刊>Catena: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Soil Science Hydrology-Geomorphology Focusing on Geoecology and Landscape Evolution >Changes in soil physical and hydraulic properties following the conversion of forest to cropland in the black soil region of Northeast China

Changes in soil physical and hydraulic properties following the conversion of forest to cropland in the black soil region of Northeast China


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Black soils (Mollisols) are inherently productive and fertile but are deteriorating due to long-term intensive cultivation. Understanding the changes in soil physical and hydraulic properties in topsoils and deep soils after converting forest to cropland would reveal the mechanism related to the black soil degradation. Herein, we investigated the variations in the soil water-stable aggregates, soil water content, bulk density, field capacity, total porosity, saturated hydraulic conductivity, and parameters of soil water retention curve at the 0-100 cm depth in four sampling fields. These fields included a forest as control and three croplands that were converted from forest 41, 50 and 65 years ago in the black soil region of Northeast China. We showed that converting forest to cropland decreased> 2 mm aggregates and aggregate stability especially at 0-15 and 70-100 cm depths, with a greater decrease in cropland after relatively longer time of cultivation. Conversion of forest to cropland significantly decreased the soil water content at the 0-15 cm depth but increased it at the 15-100 cm depth, and the increase in the 50-100 cm soil layer was strengthened with cultivation time. The decreases in field capacity, total porosity and saturated hydraulic conductivity and increase in bulk density at the 0-50 cm depth following the conversion of forest to cropland were higher after 41 and 50 years of cultivation than those after 65 years of cultivation. However, changes in these metrics at the 50-100 cm depth increased with cultivation time. The parameters (i.e., theta(r), theta(s), alpha and n) of the soil water retention curve were not affected by the cultivation time after converting forest to cropland. These results highlighted that long-term cultivation after the conversion of forest to cropland resulted in the changes in soil physical and hydraulic properties in the 0-100 cm soil profiles, and thus, the response of deep soils should not be ignored in this black soil region.



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