首页> 外文期刊>Animal Science Journal >Responsiveness of beef cattle (Bos taurus) to human approach, novelty, social isolation, restraint and trade-offs between feeding and social companionship

Responsiveness of beef cattle (Bos taurus) to human approach, novelty, social isolation, restraint and trade-offs between feeding and social companionship

机译:肉牛(Bos taurus)对人类方法,新颖性,社会隔离,约束和取舍与社会陪伴之间的权衡的反应能力

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This study investigated responsiveness of beef cattle to various environmental stimuli by subjecting 15-16 Japanese Black cows to five tests repeated twice. Within individual behavioral measures, cows were moderately (repeatability=0.54-0.70) or highly (repeatability=0.74-0.89) consistent in flight distance during grazing and resting in the human approach tests, maximum distance from the group pen and the number of total and different feed tub visits in the feeding-sociability trade-off test, and unwillingness to enter the restraint, movement under restraint and flight speed after release from restraint in the social isolation and restraint test. By contrast, cows were not consistent in the latency to make the first contact and the number of contacts with novel object(s) in the novelty test (repeatability=0.24-0.39). Across behavioral measures in different tests, cows showed no consistency (P0.05) in any combinations of measures from the two human approach tests, the trade-off test and the social isolation and restraint test. In conclusion, human approach (particularly during resting), feeding-sociability trade-off and social isolation and restraint situations can be used for evaluating personality in Japanese Black cows, while the value of the novelty test needs to be reexamined.
机译:本研究通过对15-16头日本黑牛进行两次重复五次测试,调查了肉牛对各种环境刺激的反应能力。在个体行为测度中,在人类进近测试中,奶牛在放牧​​和休息时的飞行距离为中度(重复性= 0.54-0.70)或高度(重复性= 0.74-0.89),高度,与群围的最大距离以及总数和数量在喂食-社交折衷测试中,不同的喂食桶走访,并且在社交隔离和约束测试中,不愿意进入约束,在约束下运动和在脱离约束后的飞行速度。相比之下,在新颖性测试中,母牛初次接触的潜伏期和与新物体的接触次数不一致(重复性= 0.24-0.39)。在不同测试中的各种行为指标中,母牛在两种人类进近测试,权衡测试以及社会隔离和约束测试的任何衡量指标组合中均未显示出一致性(P0.05)。总之,可以使用人的方法(尤其是在休息时),进食社交权衡以及社会隔离和约束情况来评估日本黑牛的性格,而新颖性测试的价值需要重新检验。



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