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The use of quantitative risk assessment to assess lifetime welfare outcomes for breech strike and mulesing management options in Merino sheep


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In Australia, flystrike can severely compromise sheep welfare. Traditionally, the surgical practice of mulesing was performed to alter wool distribution and breech conformation and thereby reduce flystrike risk. The aim of this study was to use published data to evaluate the effectiveness of an epidemiologically based risk assessment model in comparing welfare outcomes in sheep undergoing mulesing, mulesing with pain relief, plastic skin-fold clips, and no mulesing. We used four measures, based on cortisol, haptoglobin, bodyweight and behavioural change, across three farming regions in Australia. All data were normalised to a common scale, based on the range between the highest and lowest responses for each variable ('welfare impact'; I). Lifetime severity of welfare challenge (SWC) was estimated by summing annual SWCs (SWC = I x P, where P = probability of that impact occurring). The severity of welfare challenge during the first year of life was higher for mulesed animals compared to unmulesed. However, over five years of life, the highest severity of welfare challenge was for unmulesed animals, and the lowest was for the plastic skin-fold clips. The model produced estimates of SWC that are in broad agreement with expert consensus that, although mulesing historically represented a welfare benefit for sheep under Australian conditions, the replacement of mulesing with less invasive procedures, and ultimately genetic selection combined with anti-fly treatments, will provide a sustainable welfare benefit. However, the primary objective of this work was to evaluate the use of the risk assessment framework; not to compare welfare outcomes from mulesing and its alternatives.
机译:在澳大利亚,空袭会严重损害绵羊的福利。传统上,mu子的外科手术是为了改变羊毛的分布和臀位,从而降低中风的风险。这项研究的目的是使用已发表的数据来评估基于流行病学的风险评估模型在比较进行,割,mu割并减轻疼痛的sheep割,塑料皱褶夹子和无mu割的绵羊的福利结局方面的有效性。我们在澳大利亚的三个农业地区采用了基于皮质醇,触珠蛋白,体重和行为改变的四种测量方法。基于每个变量的最高和最低响应之间的范围(“福利影响”; I),将所有数据归一化为一个通用标度。福利挑战(SWC)的生命周期严重程度是通过对年度SWC进行求和估算得出的(SWC = I x P,其中P =发生影响的可能性)。与无限制动物相比,mu鼠动物在出生后第一年面临的福利挑战的严重性更高。然而,在生命的五年中,对未受保护的动物的福利挑战最高,而对于折叠塑料的夹子最低。该模型得出的SWC估计值与专家共识基本一致,尽管从历史上讲mu鼠在澳大利亚的条件下代表了绵羊的福利,但用侵入性较小的程序代替mu鼠,最终通过基因选择与抗蝇治疗相结合,提供可持续的福利。但是,这项工作的主要目的是评估风险评估框架的使用。不要比较mu子及其替代品带来的福利结果。



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