首页> 外文期刊>Электричество >Optimization of the operating conditions of an extra high-voltage power line with intermediate substations

Optimization of the operating conditions of an extra high-voltage power line with intermediate substations


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Algorithms for optimizing the operating conditions of an extra high-voltage power line with intermediate substations in terms of voltage and reactive power are considered, in which corona effects and operational limitations are taken into account. It is pointed out that the operating conditions of a high-voltage power line are best modeled by using complete line equations in hyperbolic functions, by modeling corona losses taking the voltage distribution along the line into account, and using numerical methods. An optimum range of the voltage profile along a high-voltage power line with intermediate substations is determined more exactly.
机译:考虑了用于优化具有电压和无功功率的中间变电站的额外高压电力线的操作条件的算法,考虑到电晕效应和运行限制。 指出,通过使用沿线沿线的电压分布的模型损耗,通过使用双曲线函数的完整线方程来最佳地建模高压电力线的操作条件。 沿高压电力线的电压分布的最佳范围更确切地确定具有中间变电站的高压电源线。



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