首页> 外文期刊>チタン >Development of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy Ingot by using 2000kW Electron Beam Cold-Hearth Melting and Refining (EBCHM) Furnace

Development of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy Ingot by using 2000kW Electron Beam Cold-Hearth Melting and Refining (EBCHM) Furnace


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The large size Electron Beam Cold-Hearth Melting & Refining (EBCHM) furnace of the Hitachi Plant of Toho Titanium Co is the first of its kind in Japan. It has a power capability of 2000kW and has been used principally to produce CP titanium ingots for sheet, bars etc. The feed is sponge, chips and related scrap. Two mold types are used; 10T 675mmX1370mm and 8.5T 700mmX1000mm. Until recently only CP titanium was produced due to the perceived difficulty in controlling vaporizable elements, such as aluminum. In 2001 it was decided to expand our technology into producing alloys with the purpose of utilizing the advantages of EBCHM in scrap utilization and in the removal of HDI defects etc. We have now to report success in producing alloys with a uniform chemical composition by strict control of operational valuables. It is planned to produce EBCHM alloy ingots following good evaluation results on mill properties obtained by our customers.
机译:Toho Titanium Co的Hitachi植物的大尺寸电子束冷炉熔融和炼油(EBCHM)炉是日本的第一个。 它具有2000kW的功率能力,主要用于生产用于片材,棒等的CP钛锭。进料是海绵,芯片和相关的废料。 使用两种模具; 10T 675mmx1370mm和8.5t 700mmx1000mm。 直到最近,只有在控制汽化元素如铝等难度的感知难度,产生了CP钛。 在2001年,决定将我们的技术扩展到生产合金中,目的是利用Scap利用中的EBCHM的优点,并在去除HDI缺陷等中,我们现在通过严格控制报告用均匀的化学成分制造合金的成功 运营贵重物品。 计划在良好的评估结果对我们的客户获得的磨坊物业进行良好评价后生产EBCHM合金锭。



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