首页> 外文期刊>ACS applied materials & interfaces >Copper Complex in Poly(vinyl chloride) as a Nitric Oxide-Generating Catalyst for the Control of Nitrifying Bacterial Biofilms

Copper Complex in Poly(vinyl chloride) as a Nitric Oxide-Generating Catalyst for the Control of Nitrifying Bacterial Biofilms


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In this study, catalytic generation of nitric oxide by a copper(II) complex embedded within a poly(vinyl chloride) matrix in the presence of nitrite (source of nitric oxide) and ascorbic acid (reducing agent) was shown to effectively control the formation and dispersion of nitrifying bacteria biofilms. Amperometric measurements indicated increased and prolonged generation of nitric oxide with the addition of the copper complex when compared to that with nitrite and ascorbic acid alone. The effectiveness of the copper complex nitrite ascorbic acid system for biofilm control was quantified using protein analysis, which showed enhanced biofilm suppression when the copper complex was used in comparison to that with nitrite and ascorbic acid treatment alone. Confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) and LIVE/DEAD staining revealed a reduction in cell surface coverage without a loss of viability with the copper complex and up to 5 mM of nitrite and ascorbic acid, suggesting that the nitric oxide generated from the system inhibits proliferation of the cells on surfaces. Induction of nitric oxide production by the copper complex system also triggered the dispersal of pre-established biofilms. However, the addition of a high concentration of nitrite and ascorbic acid to a pre-established biofihn induced bacterial membrane damage and strongly decreased the metabolic activity of planktonic and biofilm cells, as revealed by CLSM with LIVE/DEAD staining and intracellular adenosine triphosphate measurements, respectively. This study highlights the utility of the catalytic generation of nitric oxide for the long-term suppression and removal of nitrifying bacterial biofilms.
机译:在这项研究中,在亚硝酸盐(一氧化氮源)和抗坏血酸(还原剂)存在下,通过嵌入聚氯乙烯基质中的铜(II)络合物催化生成一氧化氮可有效控制形成和硝化细菌生物膜的分散。安培测量表明,与单独使用亚硝酸盐和抗坏血酸相比,添加铜配合物可增加并延长一氧化氮的产生。使用蛋白质分析定量了亚硝酸铜络合物亚硝酸抗坏血酸系统对生物膜控制的有效性,与单独使用亚硝酸盐和抗坏血酸处理相比,当使用铜络合物时,显示出增强的生物膜抑制作用。共聚焦激光扫描显微镜(CLSM)和LIVE / DEAD染色显示细胞表面覆盖范围减少,并且没有与铜配合物以及高达5 mM的亚硝酸盐和抗坏血酸丧失活力,这表明系统产生的一氧化氮抑制了增殖表面上的细胞数量。铜络合物系统诱导产生的一氧化氮也触发了预先建立的生物膜的散布。但是,如通过CLSM LIVE / DEAD染色和细胞内三磷酸腺苷测量所揭示的,向预先建立的生物膜中添加高浓度的亚硝酸盐和抗坏血酸会导致细菌膜损伤,并大大降低浮游生物和生物膜细胞的代谢活性,分别。这项研究突出了一氧化氮的催化生成在长期抑制和去除硝化细菌生物膜方面的实用性。



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