首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Physical Anthropology >Tracing residential mobility during the Merovingian period: An isotopic analysis of human remains from the Upper Rhine Valley, Germany

Tracing residential mobility during the Merovingian period: An isotopic analysis of human remains from the Upper Rhine Valley, Germany


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ObjectivesWritten sources have provided information about the rise of Merovingian power and their territorial conquests after the disintegration of the Western Roman Empire, but the extent to which altered power relations in the newly annexed territories reshaped regional and local communities is poorly understood. The early medieval cemetery of Dirmstein, located in the Upper Rhine Valley, is one of the rare sites bearing archeological evidence of simultaneous use by an indigenous community and newcomers from outside the Merovingian core area, and it offers the opportunity to investigate residential mobility at the former Roman Rhine frontier during the Merovingian period.
机译:目标书面资料提供了有关西罗马帝国解体后梅洛芬人权力的上升及其领土征服的信息,但人们对新吞并的领土上改变的权力关系在多大程度上重塑了区域和地方社区的了解很少。位于莱茵河上游河谷的Dirmstein中世纪公墓是罕见的遗址之一,有考古证据表明原住民社区和来自Merovingian核心地区以外的新移民同时使用,并为调查该地区的居民流动性提供了机会。 Merovingian时期的前罗马莱茵边境。



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