首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Physical Anthropology >Lumbar lordosis of extinct hominins

Lumbar lordosis of extinct hominins


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The lordotic curvature of the lumbar spine (lumbar lordosis) in humans is a critical component in the ability to achieve upright posture and bipedal gait. Only general estimates of the lordotic angle (LA) of extinct hominins are currently available, most of which are based on the wedging of the vertebral bodies. Recently, a new method for calculating the LA in skeletal material has become available. This method is based on the relationship between the lordotic curvature and the orientation of the inferior articular processes relative to vertebral bodies in the lumbar spines of living primates. Using this relationship, we developed new regression models in order to calculate the LAs in hominins. The new models are based on primate group-means and were used to calculate the LAs in the spines of eight extinct hominins. The results were also compared with the LAs of modern humans and modern nonhuman apes. The lordotic angles of australopithecines (41°± 4), H. erectus (45°) and fossil H. sapiens (54°± 14) are similar to those of modern humans (51°± 11). This analysis confirms the assumption that human-like lordotic curvature was a morphological change that took place during the acquisition of erect posture and bipedalism as the habitual form of locomotion. Neandertals have smaller lordotic angles (LA = 29°± 4) than modern humans, but higher angles than nonhuman apes (22°± 3). This suggests possible subtle differences in Neandertal posture and locomotion from that of modern humans.
机译:人体腰椎的脊柱前弯(腰椎前凸)是实现直立姿势和双足步态的能力的关键组成部分。目前仅可获得灭绝人类激素的前凸角(LA)的一般估计,其中大多数是基于椎体的楔形。最近,已经有了一种用于计算骨骼材料中LA的新方法。此方法基于活灵长类动物的腰椎脊柱前凸弯曲度与下关节突相对于椎体的方向之间的关系。利用这种关系,我们开发了新的回归模型,以计算人参中的LA。新模型基于灵长类动物的均值,并用于计算八个已灭绝的人类素的棘突中的LA。还将结果与现代人类和现代非人类猿的LA进行了比较。奥古斯丁碱(41°±4),直立螺旋杆菌(45°)和化石嗜血杆菌(54°±14)的前凸角与现代人(51°±11)相似。该分析证实了这样的假设,即像人一样的脊柱前弯是一种形态变化,这种变化是在习性姿势和双足运动作为惯常运动形式的获得过程中发生的。尼安德特人的前凸角(LA = 29°±4)比现代人小,但比非人猿的前角(22°±3)大。这表明尼安德特人的姿势和运动与现代人的姿势可能存在细微的差异。



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