首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science >Assessment of Soil Resource Potential of Warm Humid Kumaon Himalayas for Sustainable Productivity

Assessment of Soil Resource Potential of Warm Humid Kumaon Himalayas for Sustainable Productivity


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Soil resource potential of a part of Almora district of Uttarakhand in humid Kumaon Himalayas covering different landforms and parent materials were assessed for sustainable productivity using remote sensing and GIS techniques. The study reveals thatsoil development depends mainly on physiographic position and parent material. Six soils viz., Maniagar, Panuanaula, Artola, Duram, Kaphalkhan and Dhaula Devi were identified occurring on ridge tops and side slopes with varying degree of slope gradients.Maniagar and Panuanaula soils originated from mica schist and occurred on steeply sloping side slopes and steeply sloping ridge tops, respectively. They were shallow to moderately shallow in depth, sandy loam to loamy sand in texture with coarse gravelsand belonged to Entisols. They suffered from severe soil erosion and very low nutrient holding capacity [CEC ranging from 1.86 to 2.84 cmolCp^kg~(-1)] and rated as class-IV lands under land capability classification (LCC). These soils can be better usedfor agroforestry, agri-horticulture and pasture development. Artola soils occurred on moderately steeply sloping side slopes and were developed on quartzitic parent materials. They were moderately deep, loamy sand in texture with more than 35% coarse gravels in all the horizons and belonged to Entisols. They suffered from severe erosion and very low CEC [1.51 to 1.88 cmol(p+)kg"'] and were rated as class IV lands. They can be cultivated for agricultural crops with adoption of integrated nutrient management (INM) practices and appropriate soil and water conservation measures. Duram and Dhaula Devi soils occurred on moderately steeply sloping ridge tops whereas Kaphalkhan soils occured on moderately steeply sloping side slopes. These soils were developed on slate parent material. They were loam to clay loam in texture, well developed with cambic sub-surface diagnostic horizon and belonged to Inceptisols and rated as Class-Ill lands. They can be cultivated for agricultural crops with adoption of INM practices besides agroforestry, agri-horticulture and pasture development.
机译:利用遥感和GIS技术评估了覆盖不同地形和母材的Humid Kumaon Himalayas Almora Districh的土壤资源潜力。该研究揭示了,目的,目的主要取决于地貌位置和母体材料。六个土壤,玛吉朗,泛纳拉,士拉,Duram,kaphallanhan和dhaula devi在脊顶和侧倾坡上发现,具有不同程度的坡度梯度。曼加尔和扁桃土壤起源于云母分离,并在陡峭的倾斜侧斜坡上发生了陡峭的斜坡和陡峭分别倾斜脊顶。它们深入浅浅,深入浅,含沙壤土,缠绕在粗糙的砾石中,粗绞肉属于intisols。它们患有严重的土壤侵蚀和非常低的营养容量[CEC从1.86到2.84 cmolcp ^ kg〜(-1)],并在陆地能力分类(LCC)下作为IV类土地等级。这些土壤可以更好地用于农林园,农业园艺和牧场发展。 Artola土壤发生在适度陡峭的倾斜侧斜坡上,并在四静质母材料上开发。它们是深入的深层,腰部砂砂,在所有视野中有超过35%的粗肉砾石,属于intisols。他们患有严重的侵蚀和非常低的CEC [1.51至1.88 CMOL(P +)kg“',并被评为IV级土地。可以通​​过采用综合营养管理(INM)实践和适当的土壤和适当的土壤来培养农作物。水资源保护措施。杜兰和Dhaula Devi土壤发生在适度陡峭的山脊上面,而Kaphalkhan土壤在适度陡峭的倾斜斜坡上发生。这些土壤是在石板母体材料上开发的。它们是粘土壤土的粘土壤土,与Cambic Sub一起发育良好。 - 表面诊断地平线,属于Incepisols并评定为患病的土地。除了农林制作,农业园艺和牧场的发展,他们可以采用InM实践为农作物培养。



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