首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Glaciology >Assessment of glacial-earthquake source parameters

Assessment of glacial-earthquake source parameters


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Glacial earthquakes are slow earthquakes of magnitude M similar to 5 associated with major calving events at near-grounded marine-terminating glaciers. These globally detectable earthquakes provide information on the grounding state of outlet glaciers and the timing of large calving events. Seismic source modeling of glacial earthquakes provides information on the size and orientation of forces associated with calving events. We compare force orientations estimated using a centroid-single-force technique with the calving-front orientations of the source glaciers at or near the time of earthquake occurrence. We consider earthquakes recorded at four glaciers in Greenland - Kangerdlugssuaq Glacier, Helheim Glacier, Kong Oscar Glacier, and Jakobshavn Isbrae - between 1999 and 2010. We find that the estimated earthquake force orientations accurately represent the orientation of the calving front at the time of the earthquake, and that seismogenic calving events are produced by a preferred section of the calving front, which may change with time. We also find that estimated earthquake locations vary in a manner consistent with changes in calving-front position, though with large scatter. We conclude that changes in glacial-earthquake source parameters reflect true changes in the geometry of the source glaciers, providing a means for identifying changes in glacier geometry and dynamics that complements traditional remote-sensing techniques.
机译:冰川地震是较大的额度M的缓慢地震,与近乎接地的海洋终端冰川有关。这些全球可检测地震提供了有关出口冰川的接地状态和大型产犊事件的时机的信息。冰川地震的地震源建模提供了关于与加州事件相关的力量的规模和方向的信息。我们比较使用质心 - 单力技术估计的力方向,在地震发生时或附近的源冰川的光伏前面取向。我们考虑在格陵兰岛的四个冰川中记录的地震 - Kangerdlugssuaq冰川,赫尔海姆冰川,孔奥斯卡冰川和Jakobshavn Isbrae - 于1999年至2010年之间。我们发现估计的地震力取向准确地代表了在当时的加工前端的定位地震,以及地震成因事件由Calcing Frant的优选部分产生,这可能随时间变化。我们还发现估计的地震位置以符合Calcep-Front位置的变化的方式变化,但散布大。我们得出结论,冰川地震源参数的变化反映了源冰川几何形状的真实变化,提供了一种用于识别冰川几何形状和动态的变化的方法,这些方法是补充传统的遥感技术的冰川几何形状和动态。



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