首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Glaciology >Regional climate of the Larsen B embayment 1980-2014

Regional climate of the Larsen B embayment 1980-2014

机译:1980 - 2014年Larsen B Embality的区域气氛

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Understanding the climate response of the Antarctic Peninsula ice sheet is vital for accurate predictions of sea-level rise. However, since climate models are typically too coarse to capture spatial variability in local scale meteorological processes, our ability to study specific sectors has been limited by the local fidelity of such models and the (often sparse) availability of observations. We show that a high-resolution (5.5 km x 5.5 km) version of a regional climate model (RACMO2.3) can reproduce observed interannual variability in the Larsen B embayment sufficiently to enable its use in investigating long-term changes in this sector. Using the model, together with automatic weather station data, we confirm previous findings that the year of the Larsen B ice shelf collapse (2001/02) was a strong melt year, but discover that total annual melt production was in fact similar to 30% lower than 2 years prior. While the year before collapse exhibited the lowest melting and highest snowfall during 1980-2014, the ice shelf was likely pre-conditioned for collapse by a series of strong melt years in the 1990s. Melt energy has since returned to pre-1990s levels, which likely explains the lack of further significant collapse in the region (e.g. of SCAR Inlet).
机译:了解南极半岛冰盖的气候响应对于精确预测海平面上升至关重要。然而,由于气候模型通常太粗糙以捕获局部尺度气象过程中的空间可变性,因此我们研究特定部门的能力受到这种模型的局部保真度的限制,并且观察的(通常是稀疏)的观察的可用性。我们展示了一个高分辨率(5.5 km x 5.5 km)的区域气候模型(RACMO2.3)可以在Larsen B Endallys中重现人际的际变量,以便在调查该部门的长期变化方面。使用该模型,与自动气象站数据一起,确认先前的发现,即拉尔森B冰片折叠(2001/02)的年份是一个强烈的融化年,但发现年度熔体生产实际上与30%相似低于2年。虽然在1980 - 2014年,崩溃前的一年表现出最低的熔化和最高的降雪,但是在20世纪90年代的一系列强熔融年份,冰架可能预先调节。熔化能源以来返回了20世纪90年代的水平,这可能解释了该地区缺乏进一步的显着崩溃(例如疤痕入口)。



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