首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A >The maximum size of a partial spread in a finite projective space

The maximum size of a partial spread in a finite projective space


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Let n and t be positive integers with t < n, and let q be a prime power. A partial (t - 1)-spread of PG(n - 1, q) is a set of (t - 1)-dimensional subspaces of PG(n - 1, q) that are pairwise disjoint. Let r = n mod t and 0 <= r < t. We prove that if t > (q(r) - 1)/(q - 1), then the maximum size, i.e., cardinality, of a partial (t - 1)-spread of PG(n - 1, q) is (q(n) - q(t+r))/(q(t) - 1) + 1. This essentially settles a main open problem in this area. Prior to this result, this maximum size was only known for r is an element of {0, 1} and for r = q = 2. (C) 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
机译:设有带有T (q(r) - 1)/(q-1),那么最大尺寸,即部分(t-1) - pg(n - 1,q)的基数(t-1)的基数是 (q(n) - q(t + r))/(q(t) - 1)+ 1。这基本上解决了该领域的主要开放问题。 在此结果之前,该最大大小仅为R是{0,1}和r = q = 2.(c)2017 elsevier Inc.保留的元素。



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