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Meaning-making after partner suicide: A narrative exploration using the meaning of loss codebook


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This study explored meaning-making in the narratives of survivors of partner suicide. The 117 posts of 50 users of a public online grief support forum were analyzed using the Meaning of Loss Codebook (MLC; Gillies, Neimeyer, & Milman, 2014). There was evidence of substantial psychological distress and an ongoing struggle to make meaning of the death, in addition to focusing on memories, longing for the deceased, and efforts to actively cope with the loss. Given the importance of meaning-making in the adjustment to loss, and through the application of the MLC, these findings deepen the understanding of this component of grief.
机译:本研究探讨了伴侣自杀的幸存者叙事中的意义。 使用损失码本的意义分析了公共在线悲伤支持论坛的50个用户的117篇帖子(MLC; Gillies,Neimeyer,&Milman,2014)。 除了关注记忆,渴望死者的渴望以及积极应对损失的努力之外,还有大量的心理困扰和持续的心理困扰和持续的斗争。 鉴于在调整损失方面的重要性,并通过MLC的应用,这些调查结果加深了对这种悲伤这一组成部分的理解。



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