首页> 外文期刊>Human movement science >Autonomy support and reduced feedback frequency have trivial effects on learning and performance of a golf putting task

Autonomy support and reduced feedback frequency have trivial effects on learning and performance of a golf putting task


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Optimizing Performance Through Intrinsic Motivation and Attention for Learning (OPTIMAL) Theory proposes that choices of any kind support an individual's need for autonomy, motivating them to learn and perform motor skills more effectively. Notably, the authors suggest asking learners to choose when to receive feedback in order to increase autonomy. Conversely, the guidance hypothesis predicts an impact of feedback schedule independent of motivational influences. The purpose of this experiment was to compare the relative and combined effects of autonomy and feedback schedule for the acquisition of a golf putting task without vision of results. Autonomy support (autonomy support vs. yoked) and knowledge of results (KR) schedule (100%-KR vs. 50%-faded-KR) were combined in a 2 x 2 factorial design. Participants (N = 56) in the autonomy support groups were asked to choose from three colours of golf balls for each putt during 10 acquisition blocks. Yoked groups were yoked to the golf ball colour choices of their autonomy support group counterparts. Participants in the 100%-feedback schedule groups were provided x- and y-coordinate KR following every putt during acquisition, while participants in the 50%-faded groups received KR after half of their putts, with feedback frequency decreasing over acquisition blocks. All participants completed a 24-h delayed retention and transfer test without KR. The results were somewhat consistent with OPTIMAL Theory yet the effects were not statistically significant and trivially small. The results were inconsistent with the guidance hypothesis.
机译:通过内在的动机和学习的关注优化性能(最佳)理论提出了任何善意的选择,支持个人对自主权的需求,激励他们更有效地学习和执行运动技能。值得注意的是,提交人建议要求学习者选择何时接受反馈以增加自治。相反,指导假设预测反馈时间表的影响与激励影响无关。该实验的目的是比较自主权和反馈时间表的相对和综合影响,以获取在没有结果的愿景的情况下收购高尔夫球。自主支持(自主支持与轭)和结果知识(KR)时间表(100%-KR与50%-Faded-KR)组合在2 x 2因子设计中。在10个采集块期间,被要求在自主支援组中选择自主支援组中的三种颜色,为每个PUTT选择每个PUTT。轭群体被自治支持小组同行的高尔夫球彩色选择轭。在收购期间,在每次Putt之后提供100%-FeedCount Countrace的参与者在每次Putt之后提供X-和Y坐标KR,而50%-Faded集团的参与者在其预时的一半之后收到KR,反馈频率降低收购块。所有参与者都完成了24小时延迟保留和转移测试而没有KR。结果与最佳理论有些一致,但效果在统计上没有统计学和琐碎的小。结果与指导假设不一致。



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