首页> 外文期刊>Ambio: A Journal of the Human Environment >The Challenges of Incorporating Cultural Ecosystem Services into Environmental Assessment

The Challenges of Incorporating Cultural Ecosystem Services into Environmental Assessment


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The ecosystem services concept is used to make explicit the diverse benefits ecosystems provide to people, with the goal of improving assessment and, ultimately, decision-making. Alongside material benefits such as natural resources (e.g., clean water, timber), this concept includes—through the 'cultural' category of ecosystem services—diverse non-material benefits that people obtain through interactions with ecosystems (e.g., spiritual inspiration, cultural identity, recreation). Despite the longstanding focus of ecosystem services research on measurement, most cultural ecosystem services have defined measurement and inclusion alongside other more 'material' services. This gap in measurement of cultural ecosystem services is a product of several perceived problems, some of which are not real problems and some of which can be mitigated or even solved without undue j difficulty. Because of the fractured nature of the literature, these problems continue to plague the discussion of cultural services. In this paper we discuss several such problems, which although they have been addressed singly, have not been brought together in a single discussion. There is a need for a single, accessible treatment of the importance and feasibility of integrating cultural ecosystem services alongside others.
机译:生态系统服务概念用于明确生态系统为人们提供的各种利益,目的是改善评估,最终改善决策。除了诸如自然资源(如清洁水,木材)之类的物质利益外,该概念还包括-通过生态系统服务的“文化”类别-人们通过与生态系统互动而获得的各种非物质利益(例如精神灵感,文化认同) ,娱乐)。尽管生态系统服务研究长期专注于度量,但大多数文化生态系统服务已将度量和包容性与其他“实质性”服务一起定义。衡量文化生态系统服务的差距是一些感知到的问题的产物,其中一些不是真正的问题,而其中一些问题可以缓解甚至解决,而不会造成不必要的困难。由于文献的破裂性,这些问题继续困扰着文化服务的讨论。在本文中,我们讨论了几个这样的问题,尽管已经单独解决了这些问题,但并未将它们汇总在一起。需要一种单一的,可及的方法来处理将文化生态系统服务与其他服务融合在一起的重要性和可行性。



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