首页> 外文期刊>Truck & Bus Builder: the international newsletter of commercial vehicle manufacturing, developments >Agreement/Technology: BorgWarner to supply all-wheel-drive couplings for VW Crafter

Agreement/Technology: BorgWarner to supply all-wheel-drive couplings for VW Crafter

机译:协议/技术:Borgwarner为VW Crafter提供全轮驱动联轴器

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USA/Germany/Poland - BorgWarner Inc of Auburn Hills, Michigan, is to supply two versions of its advanced electro-hydraulically actuated all-wheel drive (AWD) coupling for the new Poland-built Volkswagen Crafter. One coupling features a differential lock control at the rear axle, and one coupling does not. Borgwarner maintains that by accurately distributing torque between the front and rear axle, BorgWarner's compact, lightweight AWD system provides high torque accuracy for improved fuel economy as well as enhanced stability, traction and handling on a variety of terrains.
机译:美国/德国/波兰 - 密歇根州的Auburn Hills Borgwarner Inc是为新的波兰建造的大众烙铁制备的两轮耦合提供了两个先进的电动液压驱动器(AWD)。 一个耦合特征在后轴处具有差分锁控制,并且一个耦合不是。 Borgwarner维护,通过准确地分配前后轴之间的扭矩,Borgwarner紧凑的轻量级AWD系统提供了高扭矩精度,可提高燃油经济性以及增强的稳定性,牵引力和处理各种地形的处理。



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