首页> 外文期刊>Transactions of The Institution of Chemical Engineers. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, Part B >Statistical analysis the characteristics of extraordinarily severe coal mine accidents (ESCMAs) in China from 1950 to 2018

Statistical analysis the characteristics of extraordinarily severe coal mine accidents (ESCMAs) in China from 1950 to 2018


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Extraordinarily severe coal mine accidents (ESCMAs) are characteristized by thirty fatalities or more in one accident. In this paper, such ESCMAs are analyzed using 188 cases which occurred in Chinese underground coal mines. The analysis shows that the number of ESCMAs and the death toll have decreased steadily over time. Gas explosions, mine water inrushes, and coal dust explosions are the three major types of ESCMAs. Among the causes of ESCMAs, inadequate implementation of safety measures, deliberate violations and electromechanical equipment faults are the three top causes of ESCMAs, accounting for 27.13 %, 21.81 %, and 15.96 % of incidences, respectively. Meanwhile, ESCMAs frequently occur in the heading face, especially gas explosions, mine water inrushes and coal and gas outbursts. Furthermore, ESCMAs reoccur often in certain provinces, such as Shanxi, Henan and Heilongjiang, and mostly during November and December in each year. The results of statistical studies have presented useful information for the prevention of ESCMAs in order to reduce the probability of such disastrous accidents. (C) 2019 Institution of Chemical Engineers. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:非常严重的煤矿事故(ESCMAS)在一次事故中均以三十个致命或更多的致命特征。本文使用中国地下煤矿发生的188例,分析了这种ESCMA。分析表明,ESCMAS的数量和死亡人数随着时间的推移而稳步下降。煤气爆炸,矿井涌入和煤尘爆炸是ESCMAS的三种主要类型。在ESCMAS的原因中,安全措施的实施不足,故意违规和机电设备故障是ESCMAS的三个主要原因,分别占27.13%,21.81%和15.96%的公告。同时,ESCMA经常出现在标题面,尤其是天然气爆炸,矿井侵入和煤炭和煤气爆发。此外,ESCMAS经常在山西,河南和黑龙江等省份进行再次,大部分时间为每年11月和12月。统计研究的结果提出了预防ESCMA的有用信息,以减少这种灾难性事故的可能性。 (c)2019化学工程师机构。 elsevier b.v出版。保留所有权利。



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