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Pulsating white dwarfs: new insights




Stars are extremely important astronomical objects that constitute the pillars on which the Universe is built, and as such, their study has gained increasing interest over the years. White dwarf stars are not the exception. Indeed, these stars constitute the final evolutionary stage for more than 95% of all stars. The Galactic population of white dwarfs conveys a wealth of information about several fundamental issues and are of vital importance to study the structure, evolution and chemical enrichment of our Galaxy and its components-including the star formation history of the Milky Way. Several important studies have emphasized the advantage of using white dwarfs as reliable clocks to date a variety of stellar populations in the solar neighborhood and in the nearest stellar clusters, including the thin and thick disks, the Galactic spheroid and the system of globular and open clusters. In addition, white dwarfs are tracers of the evolution of planetary systems along several phases of stellar evolution. Not less relevant than these applications, the study of matter at high densities has benefited from our detailed knowledge about evolutionary and observational properties of white dwarfs. In this sense, white dwarfs are used as laboratories for astro-particle physics, being their interest focused on physics beyond the standard model, that is, neutrino physics, axion physics and also radiation from "extra dimensions", and even crystallization. The last decade has witnessed a great progress in the study of white dwarfs. In particular, a wealth of information of these stars from different surveys has allowed us tomakemeaningful comparison of evolutionarymodels with observations. While some information like surface chemical composition, temperature and gravity of isolated white dwarfs can be inferred from spectroscopy, and the total mass and radius can be derived as well when they are in binaries, the internal structure of these compact stars can be unveiled only by mean
机译:Stars是非常重要的天文物体,构成宇宙建造的柱子,因此,他们的研究多年来越来越受到兴趣。白矮星星星不是例外。实际上,这些恒星构成了最终进化阶段超过95%的全星。白矮人的银河系群体传达了有关几个基本问​​题的丰富资料,并重要研究我们的银河系及其组件的结构,进化和化学富集 - 包括银河系的明星形成历史。几个重要的研究已经强调了使用白矮人作为可靠时钟的优势,以迄今为止太阳能邻域中的各种恒星群体和最近的恒星簇,包括薄型和厚厚的盘,银河球体和球状和开放集群系统。此外,白矮星是沿着恒星演化的几个阶段的行星系统演变的示踪剂。与这些申请不那么不少,对高密度的物质研究有利于我们对白矮星的进化和观测性质的详细知识。从这个意义上讲,白矮星用作励粒物理学的实验室,他们的兴趣是他们的兴趣,这些兴趣集中在标准模型之外的物理学,即中微子物理学,轴理物理学以及从“额外尺寸”的辐射,甚至结晶。过去十年目睹了白矮星研究中的巨大进展。特别是,来自不同调查的这些恒星的丰富信息使我们在观察中对进化的模型进行了TomakeMeafience比较。虽然可以从光谱学推断出表面化学成分,温度和分离的白色矮种的温度和重力,但是当它们在二进制中时,也可以推导出总质量和半径,因此可以仅推出这些紧凑型恒星的内部结构意思



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