首页> 外文期刊>Quantum information processing >Ultimate bound and optimal measurement for estimation of coupling constant in Tavis-Cummings model

Ultimate bound and optimal measurement for estimation of coupling constant in Tavis-Cummings model


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We seek to study the problem of estimating the atoms-field coupling constant in Tavis-Cummings model for interaction between two atoms and an electromagnetic field by means of local estimation theory. We calculate the quantum Fisher information (QFI) for the most general pure probe state that undergoes evolution generated by the Hamiltonian of the Tavis-Cummings model; then, proper probe states which maximize the QFI are determined. Furthermore, we consider subspaces separately and show that QFI for atomic subspace (contains both qubits) and cavity field subspace can reach the maximum value of QFI in the whole space by choosing proper initial state. Finally, the optimal measurement that saturates the Cramer-Rao bound, i.e., the measurement with Fisher information equal to QFI, for considered states are determined in the whole space and the subspaces, separately.
机译:我们试图通过局部估计理论探测估计Tavis-Cummings模型中的原子场耦合常数的问题,通过局部估计理论。 我们计算Quantum Fisher信息(QFI),以获得最普遍的纯探针状态,该状态经历由Tavis-Cummings模型的Hamiltonian产生的演进; 然后,确定最大化QFI的适当探针状态。 此外,我们分别考虑子空间,并显示用于原子子空间的QFI(包含Qubits)和腔场子空间可以通过选择正确的初始状态来达到整个空间中的QFI的最大值。 最后,在整个空间和子空间中确定了饱和克拉姆-RAO绑定的最佳测量,即,与QFI等于QFI的Fisher信息的测量,在整个空间和子空间中确定。



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