首页> 外文期刊>Quaternary Science Reviews: The International Multidisciplinary Review Journal >Late Middle Pleistocene ecology and climate in Northeastern Thailand inferred from the stable isotope analysis of Khok Sung herbivore tooth enamel and the land mammal cenogram

Late Middle Pleistocene ecology and climate in Northeastern Thailand inferred from the stable isotope analysis of Khok Sung herbivore tooth enamel and the land mammal cenogram

机译:泰国东北部的中间人胞外科生态和气候从Khok Sung草食虫牙釉质和陆地哺乳动物连语言的稳定同位素分析推断出来

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Paleoecological and paleoclimatic records based on the stable isotopes of mammalian tooth enamel are poorly known in mainland Southeast Asia during the Pleistocene. Khok Sung in Northeastern Thailand is a late Middle Pleistocene terrace deposit, tentatively dated either as 213 ka or 188 ka, yielding 15 described mammalian taxa with especially abundant and complete fossil remains. To investigate paleodiets and habitats of these ancient mammals and to understand the corresponding regional climate, we performed an analysis of stable carbon and oxygen isotopes extracted from tooth enamel carbonate of various mammalian taxa, coupled with the cenogram method. The enamel delta C-13 values of Khok Sung mammals indicate a variety of diets, ranging from pure C-3 to C-4 plants, suggesting that C-4 grasses were a major component of local Thai ecosystems during the late Middle Pleistocene. The stable isotopic distinction between C-3 and C-4 plants suggests that the Pleistocene wildlife habitats ranged from closed forests to open grasslands for the Khok Sung area. Moreover, differences within sympatric Pleistocene herbivores such as proboscideans, rhinoceroses, and cervids characterize possible niche partitioning by minimizing interspecific overlap. Paleoclimatic interpretations based on the intra-tooth variability in enamel delta O-18 values from large mammals and on the cenogram analysis reflect significant seasonal variations in precipitation and temperature, and humid conditions, for the Khok Sung locality. Compared to modern environments in Thailand, it is apparent that C-4-dominated grasslands were more widespread at that time when anthropic impacts on the ecosystems were presumably absent or minimal. (C) 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:基于哺乳动物牙釉质的稳定同位素的古生肢体记录在新兴亚洲大陆闻名于新西兰岛内的众所周知。泰国东北部的Khok Sung是一个后期的中间人型露台存款,暂时日期为213 kA或188 ka,含有15个描述的哺乳动物分类群,特别是丰富,完整的化石仍然存在。为了调查这些古代哺乳动物的古副植物和栖息地并了解相应的区域气候,我们对从各种哺乳动物分类群的牙釉质碳酸酯提取的稳定碳和氧同位素进行了分析,加上了上行图。 Khok Sung哺乳动物的搪瓷δc-13值表明了各种饮食,从纯C-3到C-4植物,表明C-4草是在中间人胞外烯中局部泰国生态系统的主要成分。 C-3和C-4植物之间的稳定同位素区别表明,优秀野生动物栖息地从封闭的森林范围内,为山宫区开放草原。此外,SympaTric中茂物草本病变的差异如upoScideans,鼻腔和肝脏,通过最小化三种间隔重叠来表征可能的利基分配。基于大型哺乳动物的牙釉质δO-18值的牙齿近视性的古脑电图解释反映了Khok Sunng局部的降水和温度和潮湿条件的显着季节性变化。与泰国的现代环境相比,显而易见的是,当缺席对生态系统的人类影响时,C-4主导的草原在那时更广泛。 (c)2018年elestvier有限公司保留所有权利。



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