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Pleistocene herpetofaunal studies in Serbia (Balkan Peninsula, SE Europe): State of the art and perspectives


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The country of Serbia is situated on the Balkan Peninsula and has a moderate continental climate. Dramatic tectonic activity in the early Miocene generated two main mountain ranges and led to the retreat of Paratethys. This meant the Balkan Peninsula became a crossroads for many migrating species. Currently, the majority of central European species, along with some Mediterranean, and even EuroSiberian taxa can be found in Serbia. Fossil records from caves reveal changes in fossil fauna from the Pleistocene to Holocene. There is evidence that the distinct configuration of the terrain in the Balkans led to many isolated areas, enabling large mammal species, together with Neanderthals that were living in the area, to find refuge and survive longer than in the rest of Europe. The best fossil associations containing small vertebrates come from the Baranica, Hadzi Prodanova, Pesturina, and Smolucka caves. Based on available numerical dating, an attempt has been made to fit these within the chronological context of the Mousterian-Aurignacian-Gravettian cultural succession. The stratigraphy of the layers corresponds to the so-called MIS 5 to MIS 2 (i.e., from 70,000 to 14,000 years ago). This paper presents a review of the herpetofaunal findings from Serbia, and analyses the data collected. Statistical approaches, involving hierarchical clustering and correspondence analysis, have been used on the fossil amphibian and reptile assemblages. As associated context is often not sufficient, small mammal assemblages have been used as a comparative proxy for reconstructing the palaeoclimate and palaeoenvironment, through the application of taxonomical habitat indexes and bioclimate analysis. The overall analysis reveals that the herpetofaunal composition experience substantial change between MIS 3 and MIS 2, when there were a loss of diversity and the concurrence of species adapted to cold climates and environments, in accordance with the glacial cycle. (C) 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:塞尔维亚的国家坐落在巴尔干半岛,拥有中度的大陆气候。早期内科的戏剧性构造活动产生了两个主要山脉,并导致了帕拉托斯的撤退。这意味着巴尔干半岛成为许多迁徙物种的十字路口。目前,中欧物种的大多数以及一些地中海,甚至在塞尔维亚都可以找到欧元师的分类群。来自洞穴的化石记录揭示了从更新世到全新世的化石动物的变化。有证据表明,巴尔干半岛的地形的独特配置导致了许多孤立的地区,使大量的哺乳动物物种与生活在该地区的尼安德特人一起,以寻找避难所,而不是在欧洲其他地区生存。含有小脊椎动物的最佳化石关联来自Baranica,Hadzi Prodanova,Pesturina和Smolucka洞穴。基于可用的数字约会,已经尝试符合所在的约龙县 - 雷尼斯文化继承的时间规程。层的层层对应于所谓的MAS 5到MIS 2(即,从70,000到14,000年前)。本文介绍了塞尔维亚赫特福纳的研究结果,并分析了收集的数据。涉及分层聚类和对应分析的统计方法已被用于化石两栖动物和爬行动物组合。随着相关的上下文往往是不够的,通过在分类栖息地指数和生物气候分析中,小型哺乳动物组合被用作重建古典气候和古社会的比较代理。整体分析表明,当冰川周期丧生和适应寒冷气候和环境的物种的损失时,羊毛诉构在MIS 3和MIS 2之间经历了大量变化。 (c)2020 elestvier有限公司保留所有权利。



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