首页> 外文期刊>Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems >Organic Production and the Capacity to Respond to Market Signals and Policies: An Empirical Analysis of a Sample of FADN Farms

Organic Production and the Capacity to Respond to Market Signals and Policies: An Empirical Analysis of a Sample of FADN Farms


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This article proposes a method of evaluating the impact of market and rural development policies oriented at stimulating the growth and spread of organic farming in Italy. Methodologically, we integrate positive mathematical programming (PMP) with cluster analysis (CA) to interpret farm dynamics and strategies and assess farm decisions. This provides useful information for interpreting production strategies adopted by homogenous groups of farms. Iloe combination reveals an ex ante effect of market prices and rural development policies on decisions to invest in organic production. The analysis is applied to sets offarms from the Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN) from two Italian regions, Emilia-Romagna and Sicily. The results reveal territorial and typological differentiation between farms moving toward organic production. In Emilia-Romagna, where agriculture is characterized by high specialization and high average revenue per hectare, the shift to organic production is more likely than in Sicily, where only the largest farms might consider the conversion to organic production.
机译:本文提出了一种方法,用于评估旨在刺激意大利有机农业的增长和传播的市场和农村发展政策的影响。从方法上讲,我们将正数学规划(PMP)与聚类分析(CA)集成在一起,以解释农场动态和策略并评估农场决策。这为解释同质农场群体采用的生产策略提供了有用的信息。 Iloe的组合揭示了市场价格和农村发展政策对有机产品投资决策的事前影响。该分析应用于来自两个意大利地区艾米利亚-罗马涅和西西里岛的农场会计数据网络(FADN)的武器部署。结果揭示了转向有机生产的农场之间在地域和类型上的差异。在以专业化程度高和每公顷平均收入高为特征的艾米利亚—罗马涅地区,向有机生产的转变比西西里的可能性更大,在西西里,只有最大的农场才会考虑向有机生产的转变。



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