首页> 外文期刊>Synthese: An International Journal for Epistemology, Methodology and Philosophy of Science >What we owe each other, epistemologically speaking: ethico-political values in social epistemology

What we owe each other, epistemologically speaking: ethico-political values in social epistemology


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The aim of this paper is to articulate and defend a particular role for ethico-political values in social epistemology research. I begin by describing a research programme in social epistemology-one which I have introduced and defended elsewhere. I go on to argue that by the lights of this research programme, there is an important role to be played by ethico-political values in knowledge communities, and (correspondingly) an important role in social epistemological research in describing the values inhering in particular knowledge communities. I conclude by noting how, even as it expands its focus beyond the traditional one to include descriptions of our "knowledge practices," this sort of project relates to some of the core questions that have been pursued by traditional epistemology.
机译:本文的目的是阐明和捍卫社会认识论研究中的道德政治价值的特定作用。 我首先描述了社会认识论中的研究计划 - 我在其他地方引入和辩护的研究计划。 我继续争辩说,通过这项研究计划的灯,知识社区的道德政政治价值观扮演了重要作用,(相应地)在社会认识论中的重要作用,在描述特别知识中的价值 社区。 我通过注意到如何扩展其超越传统的焦点,即使我们的“知识实践”的描述,即使是我们的“知识实践”的描述,这种项目涉及传统认识论所追求的一些核心问题。



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