Ab'/> The genome analysis of <ce:italic>Oleiphilus messinensis</ce:italic> ME102 (DSM 13489 <ce:sup loc='post'>T</ce:sup>) reveals backgrounds of its obligate alkane-devouring marine lifestyle
首页> 外文期刊>Marine genomics >The genome analysis of Oleiphilus messinensis ME102 (DSM 13489 T) reveals backgrounds of its obligate alkane-devouring marine lifestyle

The genome analysis of Oleiphilus messinensis ME102 (DSM 13489 T) reveals backgrounds of its obligate alkane-devouring marine lifestyle

机译: oleiphilus messinensis me102(dsm 13489 t )揭示了它的抗原海洋生活方式的背景

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AbstractMarine bacteriumOleiphilus messinensisME102 (DSM 13489T) isolated from the sediments of the harbor of Messina (Italy) is a member of the orderOceanospirillales, classGammaproteobacteria, representing the physiological group of marine obligate hydrocarbonoclastic bacteria (OHCB) alongside the members of the generaAlcanivorax,Oleispira,Thalassolituus,CycloclasticusandNeptunomonas. These organisms play a crucial role in the natural environmental cleanup in marine systems. Despite having the largest genome (6.379.281bp) among OHCB,O. messinensisexhibits a very narrow substrate profile. The alkane metabolism is pre-determined by three loci encoding for two P450 family monooxygenases, one of which formed a cassette with ferredoxin and alcohol dehydrogenase encoding genes and alkane monoxygenase (AlkB) gene clustered with two genes for rubredoxins and NAD+-dependent rubredoxin reductase. Its genome contains the largest numbers of genomic islands (15) and mobile genetic elements (140), as compared with more streamlined genomes of its OHCB counterparts. Among hydrocarbon-degradingOceanospirillales,O. messinensisencodes the largest array of proteins involved in the signal transduction for sensing and responding to the environmental stimuli (345vs170 inOleispira antarctica, the bacterium with the second highest number). This must b
机译:<![cdata [ 抽象 海洋细菌 oleiphilus messinensis ME102(DSM 13489 t )与墨西州港口沉积物(意大利)的沉积物是命令的成员海洋主题,类伽马略杆菌和斜体>,代表海洋的生理组嗜酸性嗜烃基细菌(OFCB)以及作为Genera的成员以及斜体>斜曲面:斜体>, Oleispira thalassolituus cycloclasticus neptunomonas 。这些生物在海洋系统的自然环境清理中发挥着至关重要的作用。尽管在OFCB中具有最大的基因组(6.379.281bp),但 o。 Messinensis 展示非常窄的基板轮廓。烷烃代谢由两个P450家族单氧基酶的三个基因座进行预先确定,其中一个组成用富勒沙昔甙和醇脱氢酶编码基因和烷烃单氧基酶(ALKB)基因与柠檬腈和NAD的两种基因组成盒和烷烃单氧基酶(ALKB)基因 + - 依赖rubredoxin还原酶。其基因组含有最大数量的基因组岛(15)和流动遗传元素(140),与其OHCB对应物的更多流线型基因组相比。在碳氢化合物 - 降解中 Oceanomirilles o。 Messinensis 编码最大的蛋白质阵列,用于感测和响应环境刺激(345 vs 170在油凤龟南极洲< / Ce:斜体>,具有第二大数量的细菌)。这必须b



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