首页> 外文期刊>Environmental Biology of Fishes >Individual voices in a cluttered soundscape: acoustic ecology of the Bocon toadfish, Amphichthys cryptocentrus

Individual voices in a cluttered soundscape: acoustic ecology of the Bocon toadfish, Amphichthys cryptocentrus

机译:在一个杂乱的声音景观中的个别声音:伯蒙托鱼的声学生态,Amphichthys Cryptocentrus

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Toadfishes (family Batrachoididae) are a well-studied family of soniferous fishes, yet only a fraction of species within the family have been recorded, and only few detailed descriptions of calls exist. Here, we present the first description of the acoustic ecology of Amphyichtys cryptocentrus, a new-world toadfish species, distributed across the southern Caribbean Sea. We recorded fourteen individuals in a seagrass habitat over six nights in the Bocas del Toro Archipelago. Like other toadfishes, A. cryptocentrus produces compound calls with broadband and tonal components; a typical call contains 1-2 grunts, followed by 1-2 boops (average fundamental frequency = 112 Hz, average source level = 138 dB re:1 mu Pa RMS). While we observed relatively low between-individual variation in frequency components, our results show that individuals can be readily identified based on their call composition and call rate. This suggests that each toadfish has an individual "voice," which may transmit selection-linked information to females about body condition, status, or motivation to mate. We also observed that toadfish produced grunts during neighbors' calls, a previously-described aggressive behavior called "acoustic tagging", which can intercept a potential rival's mating advertisement. Our findings suggest that A. cryptocentrus (and its population in Bocas del Toro, in particular) represents a useful system for the study of fish bioacoustics and behavioral ecology, and we demonstrate that acoustic communication represents a major aspect of social behavior in coral reef fishes.
机译:毒品盆(家庭Batrachoididae)是一家学习的顽强鱼类家庭,但只记录了家庭内的一小部分物种,并且只有很少的呼叫说明。在这里,我们提出了一个关于Amphyichtys Cryptocentrus的声学生态学的第一个描述,一个新世界的蟾鱼类,分布在南部加勒比海。我们在博卡斯托托·群岛六晚的海草栖息地录制了十四个个体。与其他毒品一样,A. Cryptocentrus用宽带和色调成分产生复合呼叫;一个典型的呼叫包含1-2颗jurevers,其次是1-2倍卷(平均基波频率= 112 Hz,平均源电平= 138 dB Re:1 mu Pa rms)。虽然我们观察到频率分量的各个变化之间相对较低,但我们的结果表明,可以根据其呼叫组合和呼叫率容易地识别各个。这表明每个蟾鱼都有一个单独的“语音”,它可以将选择链接信息传送到女性条件,状态或动态的雌性。我们还观察到蟾鱼在邻居呼叫期间产生了咕噜声,先前描述的攻击性行为称为“声学标记”,这可以拦截潜在的竞争对手的交配广告。我们的研究结果表明,A.Cryptocentrus(以及其在Bocas del Toro的人口)代表了对鱼生物理学和行为生态学研究的有用系统,我们证明声学通信是珊瑚礁鱼类社会行为的主要方面。



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