首页> 外文期刊>Advanced Science Letters >Power Quality and Electromagnetic Interference Noise Problems of Fluorescent Lamp System to Control Systems

Power Quality and Electromagnetic Interference Noise Problems of Fluorescent Lamp System to Control Systems


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Energy savings by replacing to fluorescent lamps (T5) with electronics ballast instead of fluorescent lamps (T8) with magnetic ballast conventional type, how popular is because it can save energy up to 40%. However, such an approach would create a major problem, cause pollution power systems electrical power quality problems, electromagnetic interference or EMI noise. That would make the system controls such as communications systems, industrial automation, control systems, internet systems and other systems that use electricity. They require high investments and the quality of the electrical resistance details for the perishables life is short. This will create a major problem for e-waste that is toxic to humans and the environment. The effect of the fluorescent lamps set on the conducted EMI noise is referred to CISPR-15 standard and test setup is referred to CISPR-16 standard. The experiment results shown to good result of fluorescent lamps (T5) with electronics ballast in a energy saving efficiency up to 41.30% of fluorescent lamps (T8) with magnetic ballast conventional type and disadvantages of fluorescent lamps (T5) such as low power quality and high EMI noise problems. However, if you want to energy saving up to 15.22% of fluorescent lamps (T8) with magnetic ballast conventional. But, not generate power quality and EMI noise problems, should be used with fluorescent lamps (T8) with magnetic ballast low loss type.



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